Page 1 of The Brute

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Chapter One


This is the first time that my assistant is being hired without my approval in who will take the position. I chose not to take part in the interview process for my new assistant. It wasn't like the next person would stay longer than the previous one did. So, rather than doing the interview, I assigned someone else who actually gave afuck, even though the position directly reports to me and supports me.That's not to say I don't care about who works for me; I just don’t feel the need to be a part of that process.

I don’t have time to meet with candidates who will be not worth my time. It’s Human Resources’ place to judge character, experience, and skill. After all, it’s their job to find the humans I need for my resources.

I run this place. That’s my job.

I pay someone to do the other shit for me.

I'm halfway through my breakfast and scrolling through some reports that I left on my desk to look over this morning, when the door of my office opens abruptly. The middle-aged woman, head of Human Resources and deposits herself directly in front of my desk with her hands on her hips. Her annoyance is evident in her eyes as I look up at her from the report and my breakfast in front of me. She squares her shoulders, her features looking like she is ready to lecture me and her stance is wide.

Maggie, a woman that I've known since I was a young boy storms in stares me down and clears her throat.

“Ben,” she says sternly.

I finger the utensil in my hand and take another forkful of my omelet.

“I would like to introduce to you, your new assistant, Isabella Dubois.” Maggie steps aside and reveals the woman I was unaware that was behind her.

I catch a glance at the heavenly sight of her. Rather than allow the strange, ancient feelings simmering in my body to be reflected in my countenance, I feign annoyance.

She has long, chestnut hair, with the ends curled. Almond-shaped eyes over high cheekbones. Shapely lips covered in crimson, the bottom lip a bit plumper than the top. A small, pert nose with a rounded end. Her waist is thin, and her bust is... well, her bust is more than a handful. She’s dressed professionally in a white dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. The only bit of color is her turquoise heels, which I'm sure would look great perched on my shoulders as I pound into her while she’s laid back on my desk.

I shake my head and rid myself of those thoughts, then return to my breakfast.

I don't need to appraise her on getting the job. Hell, who knows if she will last? I've already gone through five assistants this quarter alone.

What says she'll even survive the week?

“Hello, Mr. Adams.” The woman clears her throat and speaks confidently as she strides into my office. She stands in front of my desk, leans over, and holds her hand out boldly.

I look at her hand, but don’t take it.She holds it out a moment longer. When she realizes I’m not going to shake her hand, she slowly pulls itback and resumes her ramrod straight posture, then looks at Maggie with uncertainty.

“Ben.” Maggie's warning voice comes out.

I look up.

“Welcome to the company,” I say with annoyance then go right back to my breakfast and morning reading.

“Isabella has excellent references and experience in handling a... well, a busy environment. I have a feeling that she will succeed and have a lasting term here at Adams Enterprises. I am confident she will excel here.”

She wanted to say that this new girl has experience dealing with assholes, because that's what I am.

An asshole.

Everyone knows it; no one pretends otherwise. I don’t give a flying fuck about how everyone feels about me. Their feelings don’t keep Adams Enterprises at the top of its industry. I own this company now and I can fire any of the fools who work here whenever I want.

Except Maggie, she can put me in my place with just a look. When I was younger, and my father was CEO, she worked here in the same position. When I was a kid, she would let me sit in her office and was often a better adult figure than my actual parents were. She's known me almost my entire life. She knew me... before.

This company began as a small family business and my father built it into a titan among its peers. When my parents passed, I was the only heir to the family fortune, including Adams Enterprises. At that point in time, the company had just emerged as a global leader in the tech world. Those who worked under my father remember me as the nice kid who would come and visit his father during school breaks. However, once I took over, they were surprised when I wasn’t that person anymore. Loss changes a person. The amount of loss I've experienced made me a different person all together.

Maggie clears her throat and I look at her. Her hands are on her hips again and she tilts her head in the direction of the lovely creature in front of me.

I connect eyes with my new assistant and give her a somewhat genuine smile.

“Glad to have you aboard, Isabella.”

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