Page 49 of My Alien Cellmate

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D’Aakh mutters something unintelligible but points his scanner at me. “She’s fine,” he grunts. “Just get her to rest and drink some water.”

“Excuse me,” I say, glaring at him, “She is right here and she can understand you just fine.” Does he think I’m just some stupid monkey that wouldn’t understand him?

Tareq laughs, patting my shoulder. “You have to excuse him, my dear mate. He’s not very good with people.”

“Oh, that’s a brilliant trait for a doctor,” I snicker.

“I’m not a doctor!” D’Aakh scowls. “I’m a technician. All I know how to do is point this thing at you,” he waggles the scanner before my eyes, “and it says that you are fine. So, you are fine. Bye.”

I watch him stomp off, worried that my stupid mouth has gotten me in trouble. “I’m sorry,” I tell Tareq. “I should probably apologize. I didn’t mean to offend him. It’s just, sometimes I talk before I think and—”

“It’s not you, Astra,” he interrupts me, his smile growing sadder. “We used to have a medic. A great one. But…she died.” There’s so much pain in his voice I hug him tighter, offering what little comfort I can. “D’Aakh was the closest to her, and he’s not taking it well. This situation reminds him of her. It’s not your fault. Let’s go back to the ship.”

He helps me up into one of the ATVs. The inside of the vehicle looks like a cargo van with a joystick instead of a steering wheel. Several of the former captives are already waiting inside. My breath hitches as I see Lizardman sprawled out on the floor. “Oh my god, is he alright?” I don’t particularly love him, but he’s proven a loyal companion and a fierce protector.

“Yeah. He got a dose of sleeping venom,” Tareq assures me, leading me to a seat on the side and strapping me in. “He’ll be awake in a couple of hours.”

More aliens board the vehicle until it’s positively crowded. I don’t mind. I’m happy to see everyone alive and mostly uninjured. I worry when we take off and I don’t see Nikolai, but Tareq assures me he’s in another vehicle.

As he steers the ATV, I try to look over his shoulder as much as my seatbelt allows. I never learned to drive, but I think I could learn this. It doesn’t seem that complicated and we could have fun with Tareq giving me lessons. I’m sure we could find interesting ways to motivate me.

The ride is smooth, and before I know it, we’re approaching the ship. It’s huge, I realize as we enter through an open hatch at the bottom and Tareq parks the ATV in a large open hangar that looks like it could house one of those Airbus airplanes. Maybe more than one.

There are two smaller spaceships inside the hangar. Tareq’s friends are already there, milling around the smaller one. I yelp at the sight of them dragging several spider people toward one of the ATVs. The spiders look unconscious, or maybe dead? An involuntary shudder runs through me. Did they attack the ship? Are we safe here?

Tareq pulls me against his chest. “It’s all good,” he soothes. “The Genixarians kidnapped these guys just like they kidnapped you. We’re just going to drop them off, collect the escape pod, then leave this planet. You’re safe.” He says it with such confidence I have no reason not to believe him.

After Tareq assures me that the others are in good hands, I let him lead me away. He’s clearly excited about being alone with me, and so am I.

Walking through the ship’s corridors feels a little eerie, especially after I remember how the guards dragged me around on my way to be examined and probed, but with Tareq by my side, I’m not afraid.

We end up in a room with several bunk beds. There’s a fine layer of dust on the surfaces, as if the room has been abandoned for a while. It’s a good thing, I decide. I don’t want to have sex on the same bedsheets where one of those creepy gray slavers slept. And we’re most definitely having sex right now, concussion or not.

The moment the door swooshes closed behind us, my exhaustion vanishes, replaced by pure lust.

Tareq sets me down on the bed, leaning over to press a kiss to my forehead. “You should r—”

“Nope.” I grab his hair and pull him closer, slanting my lips against his.

At first, he doesn’t react, clearly torn between the desire to let me rest and the need to kiss me back. I flick my tongue against his mouth, coaxing him to open it, and that does it. Before I know it, his tongue dances with mine in a delicious battle for dominance.

“Astra…” he whispers as he kisses down my neck. “You really should be resting.”

I probably should be, but for now, I’m too energized to fall asleep. “I can just lie back,” I suggest, giving him a sultry smile. “I distinctly remember someone promising to lick me all night long. Perhaps it was one of your squadmates? The red one, maybe? Or that hot, blond angel?”

His ferocious growl sends a delectable shudder through me. “Mine,” he rumbles, nipping at my neck. “Just mine. They shouldn’t even be looking at you. Say it, my Myále.”

“Yours,” I moan. “Just yours. Oh, please, Tareq.”

While I was resting in his arms earlier, he’d wrapped a new blanket around me so I wouldn’t be cold. Now, his claws rip at it, tearing it to shreds and leaving me bare before him. I have nothing to wear but I couldn’t care less. I’m not planning on leaving this bed any time soon.

He hovers over me, watching, memorizing every inch of my body. Purring resonates in his chest. I feel a tinge of self-consciousness, causing me to wriggle uncomfortably, but he pins me down. “Stay still,” he growls, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “I want to see you. All of you. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”

Well, he surely knows how to flatter a woman. I whimper needily, my core clenching around nothing. I need him inside of me, now, but he just watches. “Tareq… Please!”

“Not yet. I want to take my time with you.”

Now, he’s just being unreasonable. “Can’t you take your time later and just fuck me now?” His determined look wavers, and I know I’ve hit the right note. “I really need your cock right now,” I continue, hoping a bit of dirty talk would push him over the edge. “I’m just so empty, and I need to be filled by your thick, hard cock. Please, Tareq. My Tareq. My Myále?” I’m not sure I got the right pronunciation of the word and I’m even less sure it’s something females call their males, but it works.

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