Page 24 of My Alien Cellmate

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I push that thought away, not wanting to give myself false hope. He likes me and we’re stuck together for now. We should just seize the moment and make the best of it.

I step closer, my fingers sliding over his cheeks. I want to kiss him so badly but I’m not sure if his people kiss. They have a lot of sharp teeth for proper French kissing. Then again, when he sucked on my nipple, the teeth didn’t get in the way. Even just the memory makes my pussy clench.

To hell with it. I might die tomorrow. He might die tomorrow. They might separate us and we’ll never see each other again. If this is our last night on Earth, scratch that, last night on this spaceship, I want to enjoy it. With Tareq.

Rising onto my tiptoes, I press my lips against his, gently, in case he doesn’t know what I’m doing and thinks I’m about to bite his face off. His mouth parts and his long, pointed tongue shoots out. He licks at the seam of my lips before pushing his tongue into my open mouth, devouring me hungrily.

Alright then, he does know how to kiss. He fucking knows how to kiss. I melt into him as his strong arms wrap around me, keeping me upright since my knees don’t seem to work anymore.

He grins and without breaking the kiss, lowers us both onto the floor. The mantises continue their song but we’re barely listening, consumed by our own music. Our quick breaths, soft moans and kisses create the best music ever composed.

I trail my hand down his chest, admiring his taut muscles. There’s not an ounce of fat anywhere on this guy and I love it. I don’t really grasp what he sees in curvy ol’ me, but I won’t ruin the moment by asking. He seems to enjoy my curves by the way he’s sliding his hand under my blanket wrap to squeeze my butt as we kiss.

I gasp and he immediately jerks his hand away. “Sorry,” he says, his ears drooping down. “I didn’t mean to—”

I cut him off with another kiss as I find his hand and put it back on my butt. “Touch me anywhere you want, my tiger,” I whisper, tracing kisses down his chin and throat. “But only if I can do the same.”

“Oh, Ancestors…” he breathes out, visibly restraining himself. “You can touch me anywhere, Astra. I’m all yours. Always.”

My breath hitches over his words, but I check myself. Men say a lot of stuff when they’re about to get laid. They rarely mean what they say.

“Alright,” I murmur as I continue kissing him down his chest and stomach, all the way to the edge of his pants. The string he used to replace the missing button is only just holding together, straining to contain his erect cock.

In my excitement, I try to untie the string. It’s a lot stronger than I gave it credit for, the stupid knots just won’t give. The string is so tangled up that there’s no chance in hell for me to get it loose.

Chuckling, Tareq swipes a claw over the stubborn string, separating it in one swift motion. His cock springs free and I can finally take a proper look at it.

It’s marvelous. Orange with irregular black stripes, just like the rest of his body, with a black head leaking white pre-cum. Thick and long, obscenely so. Like those guys you see in porn movies. Except Tareq is real and he’s here, and his cock is all mine for the moment.

I run a finger over it. Tentatively at first, then I grip him tighter when he moans from the pleasure. The mantises have stopped with their chirping and buzzing and some other creature is humming on the other side of the cellblock.

My thoughts are torn away from the background humming when I hear Tareq’s moans as I pump my fist up and down his cock. Then something tickles at my palm causing me to jerk away in surprise. “What the hell is that?!”

There are tiny bumps, or maybe soft spikes is a better description, popping up all over the lower half of Tareq’s cock, dozens of them. They feel funny against my palm, but the idea of having them inside of me has my pussy clenching hungrily. He’s literally ribbed for my pleasure!

“Oh,” Tareq says, his voice apologetic, “I’m sorry. Those are my penile bristles. I guess human males don’t have them?”

“Nope,” I reply, running my hand over him again, fascinated. The spikes disappeared when I’d let go of his cock but are reappearing now as I squeeze and pump. I guess they’re only meant to stand out while in action. “They’re fucking marvelous, even though they have an ugly name.” Penile bristles? Ugh. That sounds like an STD. “What do they do?”

A laugh escapes him. “Well, you can rename them if you want. And they don’t really do anything, they’re just there. Females tend to like them, though.”

The thought of him with other women makes me angry. “Females, hmm?” I pump his cock harder, leaning in to lick at the tip. “Have you had many females?”

“They…oh, fuck, Astra!” He gasps when I put him into my mouth, sucking him deep before going back to licking gently. “They don’t matter,” he finishes his thought, his breath ragged. “None of them ever mattered. It was just…scratching an itch. Never anything more. Not like…”

He trails off, leaving me wondering what he was going to say. “Not like this”? Would it be foolish to hope?

I put his cock back into my mouth, wanting to erase his memories of other women and replace them with new ones. Tareq is certainly not protesting. His hips rock back and forth an inch and he makes strangled sounds as if he’s just barely stopping himself from fucking my mouth.

Now, that won’t do. I want him to lose control. I want all of him, feral and wild.

I can’t help the moan that escapes me as I lick the tip of his cock again, tonguing his slit. “Mmm, you have such a perfect cock,” I whisper, blowing some air against the sensitive tip. “So thick, so long.” I moan again, sliding one hand between my legs to caress my pussy, making sure he sees what I’m doing. “I wonder what it would feel like to have this amazing cock inside me,” I tease, stroking myself.

Tareq growls, and I mean, he literally growls. In his case, it’s not just a figure of speech. It’s the only warning I get before he flips us over and I’m pinned under his hot, muscular body. “You want my cock, female?” he snarls, his control finally snapping.

His sharp fangs are inches away from my throat, but I’m not afraid. He won’t bite me. Well, maybe a little. I shiver in anticipation. “Yes, please,” I beg shamelessly, reaching between our bodies to stroke him. “I want your cock very much, Tareq.”

He groans at the sound of his name, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. “You’ll be the death of me, my Myále. You shall get my cock, but not yet. I wish to touch you first.”

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