Page 2 of My Alien Cellmate

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Something hums overhead just as the phone rings again. I reject the call, ignoring the noise. It’s probably just a low-flying plane. There’s always plenty of noise in the city.

As the phone rings for the third time, I heave a sigh. Perhaps I should answer it? Perhaps it will go differently this time?

Bright light engulfs me and the phone slips from my fingers. Still ringing, it clatters against the sidewalk and I wince, imagining the screen cracking even further. I absolutely cannot afford a new phone. I try to reach for it but discover that I can’t because I’m…floating?

Floating, yes, like astronauts do on the space stations. They make it look like fun as they chase bubbles of liquid around the room, but I’m most certainly not having fun. My stomach protests against the sudden sense of weightlessness, my hair is in my face, and I’m cold.

When I finally brush my hair away from my eyes, my sheer terror comes barreling out of me in a loud, ear splitting scream. The reason I’m so fucking cold? I’m hovering hundreds of feet above the ground, rising higher every second.

The humming from above grows louder, gradually turning into a deafening noise that has me covering my ears in the vain hope that I can stop them from bursting. The light also grows exponentially brighter until I'm practically blinded by a blaze of all consuming white. I squint in a last ditch attempt to make out what’s going on, noticing I’ve floated up to a metal structure of some sort. It looks like the inside of a cargo ship container, minus the floor.

The combination of noise and light makes my head throb, feeling like it’s going to explode any minute. I shriek as the light grows even brighter, burning whatever’s left of my poor eyeballs. Then, without warning, everything goes dark.

I must have lost consciousness, because when I open my eyes again, I’m no longer in the cargo container-like room I glimpsed earlier.

This place feels larger. The air is stale here and stinks of unwashed bodies and other disgusting things I don’t even want to think about.

It’s rather dark, with only the occasional flickering of a light somewhere on the ceiling illuminating the room. By the sounds echoing through it, I think the room is long, but not very wide, since I can see the wall opposite.

Even with the shitty lighting, I can see that I’m in deep, deep trouble.

I’m in a cell of some sort. More of a cage, really. There’s a solid wall on one side and bars along the three others. The entire room seems to be lined by two rows of similar cells.

The cell to my left is empty and the one to my right holds…a panda?

“Oh, I get it,” I mutter to myself, rubbing my forehead. “One of those bastards at the Joint must have roofied me. I’m hallucinating. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to snap out of this now! I can’t afford to be late for work tomorrow.”

I pinch myself and yelp from the pain. Still, I don’t wake up.

The panda looks at me with disinterest, munching on a piece of bamboo. Of course, why would a panda care about a woman tripping out?

I glare at the stupid animal. “You’re not real.” Aren’t pandas extinct? It’s definitely not real. Not. Real.

Paying no attention to me, the animal moves into the corner of its cell to grab another bamboo stick.

The cell across the narrow hallway holds some sort of humanoid lizard. Is humanoid a word? I think I heard an English teacher say it once, or was it in science class? Anyway, he looks like a mutant from one of those experiment-gone-wrong movies and, unlike the panda, he’s paying a little too much attention to me. He’s standing by the bars, staring at me, grunting, jerking his hips and… Oh yes, he’s masturbating.

His cock is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen, but it is most definitely a cock and he’s most definitely jerking off while watching me.

Ew. Just…ew.

I’m afraid to look into the other cells, but there’s nothing else to do unless I count curling up in the corner and trembling from fear. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a coward, so I suck in a deep breath and squint my eyes to look further into the shadows.

Right next to the grunting lizardman, there’s a pair of yellow-scaled monkey-like creatures. They look harmless, hugging each other and sitting quietly in the back of their cell. One keeps looking around with his surprisingly intelligent eyes.

On the masturbating creep’s other side, there’s another mostly humanoid creature. This guy is dark blue and has a long tail, the tip of which is stuck in his mouth. He rocks back and forth, chewing on his own tail the way a toddler would suck on his thumb.

I sympathize with him very much. If I thought it would help, I’d totally suck on my thumb. Somehow, though, I don’t think that’s going to get me out of here.

The length of the room suggests more cells in both directions, but the light is too dim to make out anything other than vague shapes. There’s some skittering, whimpering, and other hushed noises coming from both sides, suggesting that other cells are occupied, too.

“Alright,” I murmur, pinching myself again, “this is officially the worst trip ever. Why can’t I hallucinate nice things?”

The lizardman’s grunts grow louder before he finishes with a throaty roar. His release stains the hallway floor in front of his cell.

I scowl at him. “Shut the fuck up, you disgusting creep!”

He gives me a toothy smirk and continues stroking his half-limp cock.

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