Page 19 of My Alien Cellmate

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When he’s finally done, I can’t even keep my eyes open. The sharp pain dissipates the moment he removes the tool from my head, but the dull throbbing only increases. Instead of a terrible hangover, I now feel like I have a full blown concussion.

I only vaguely realize they’ve removed my restraints. My plan to snatch the remote is long forgotten. I can’t even sit up straight, let alone steal anything.

“Put her back with the Syndoran,” a voice commands. “And bring me the other one.”

Two pairs of hands grab me, forcing me to stand upright. My legs don’t get the message, however, and give up on me. The guards don’t care, dragging me along by the arms.

“Why don’t you carry her?”

“Me? Why don’t you carry her?!”

Someone is talking. I wish they’d shut up. My eyes keep closing, the bright light surrounding me making my headache unbearable.

“I am your superior, Omicron 18-L. You follow my commands.”

A grunt sounds on my left side. “I don’t want to touch her body. The Syndoran has been mating with her. She could be covered in all manner of disgusting mating fluids.”

“Hm,” the one on the right grunts, “these breeding habits are truly appalling. But it will earn us a greater reward.”

A door hisses open. Bars are on each side. Cells. Oh, they’re taking me back to the cell.

My mind feels all fuzzy and I can’t focus. Something important is escaping me, but I can’t grasp onto the thought. Every time I try to concentrate, the headache spikes, making me groan in pain.

“Here, Syndoran.”

A cell opens and hands shove me inside. I’m falling, the floor getting closer to my face, but my hands refuse to move to cushion my fall. Someone catches me, though. Warm, brawny arms envelope me and for the moment at least, I feel safe.

Something rumbles next to me. It sounds like an animal growling. “What the fuck did you do to her?!” an oddly familiar voice yells near my ear. I wince, the noise causing my pain to spike again.

“Installed the translator nodes, just like you requested. Now, you can talk to her. You have three days to breed her. If you fail, we will give her to another male.”

“You fucking assholes! You didn’t even sedate her?! You fucking butchers, I’ll—” The screaming voice is cut off by a grunt of pain. The arms holding me tighten.

“You forget yourself, Syndoran. We have no need for you. If you don’t follow orders, we will use you as fodder for the other slaves.”

My whimpering turns to relief when the arms holding me up stop crushing me against the hard plane of someone’s chest. A very warm and very naked chest. It would be a great feeling if it wasn’t for the persistent headache.

“I’m so sorry, As’Trah,” a voice whispers into my hair. “I had no idea that… Oh, Ancestors! I’m really sorry for this.”

Only one person pronounces my name in such a funny way. “Tareq? What…?” I groan, trying to focus. I’m angry with him, aren’t I? So, so angry. And sad, because he’s been so nice to me and then? “You betrayed me,” I whimper, sniffling into his chest. “I kind of liked you, but you told them to take me and hurt me. Not cool, man.”

“I didn’t! I mean… Oh, As’Trah, it’s so complicated, but you have to know that I never meant you harm. I swear it on the Ancestors.”

I don’t dare open my eyes, fearing the light would just stab my brain again. I can’t see Tareq’s expression, but I hear the anguish in his words. He isn’t lying. I don’t really know him well because we can’t talk to each other but— Realization races through my mind like a shooting star.

“Wait!” My eyes shoot open and I stare at Tareq while my bottom jaw lies somewhere on the floor. “I can understand you?!”

Come to think of it, I understood the gray aliens too. The scientist, the guards, now Tareq. Was that why they drilled holes into my skull? I gingerly touch the spot, surprised to only find a small scab there. Given the pain I’d felt, I expected a hole at least an inch wide.

“Yes, the Genixarians gave you translator nodes. I asked them to.”

I shove at his chest. “You did WHAT?! You asked them to fucking drill holes into my fucking head?!” Screaming isn’t helping my headache, but I can’t seem to stop. “You fucking jerk. Let me go.” When he doesn’t immediately release me, I shove at him again. “Let. Me. GO! I don’t want you touching me!”

With a sigh, Tareq sets me down on the floor. I close my eyes and rest my head on the wall behind me, wishing to fall asleep and wake up in my own bed. Please, I pray, let this all be a crazy dream.

It’s not a dream. My head keeps pounding, and I grasp it in my hands as if it might help with the pain.

“Drink, As’Trah,” Tareq whispers, a water bottle touching my lips. “It will help with the pain.”

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