Page 18 of My Alien Cellmate

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The Genixarians stop in front of my cell, scowling. “Have you bred the female yet?” Alpha asks.

“I have,” I lie shamelessly, “but there’s no guarantee she’s with young.” I don’t want them to take As’Trah away from my cell.

Alpha’s scowl deepens. “Male breeds a female and puts seed inside of her,” he says with disgust. “That should be all. I wonder if you are a fertile male after all.”

“Of course I am!” I growl. I won’t have this vat-grown creep question my potency. “But most females are only fertile a few days in every cycle. Some even have to meditate to release the egg for fertilization.” I know of one species with such complicated mating rituals. I doubt humans are the same, but the Genixarians wouldn’t know. “If I could talk to this female and convince her to release her eggs, things would progress much faster,” I lie, hoping the scientist will take the bait.

Alpha scratches his bald head. “Hmm. I suppose we could add the cost of the translator nodes to her price when we sell her. It is expensive technology, you know?”

“Of course,” I agree, when deep inside, I’m seething. The translator nodes aren’t expensive technology at all. Everyone in the galaxy has them. Even children from the poorest families have nodes, but this asshole can’t spare a pair for As’Trah?! “You’d also have to update mine with the female’s language.”

“I know that!” the scientist bristles, fiddling with the collar remote. “I recommend you stop patronizing me, slave, or I’ll make you regret it.”

I lower my head so that Alpha wouldn’t see the pure anger contorting my features. I let go of As’Trah, moving a few inches away from her. If the Genixarians activate my collar on a higher setting, my entire body will spasm. I don’t want to accidentally hurt As’Trah if that happens.

To my relief, Alpha lowers the remote, clearly pleased with my fake submission. “The female will be given the nodes so you can tell her to release her eggs,” he announces. “This better work, Syndoran,” he tells me before turning to his guards. “Bring the female to the lab. I shall perform the procedure. After that, bring the other human to me. I’m not done with my experiments.”

Other human? There were other humans on the ship? I haven’t noticed any, but there are hunched figures huddling in the corners of several cells. I suppose one of them might be a human.

All thoughts of other humans abandon me when the cell door clicks open and my own human lets out a strangled cry of terror. Belatedly, I realize As’Trah has no idea what’s going on. The only thing she knows is that I talked to her captors, and now they’re taking her away. She probably thinks I was the one to tell them to take her.

Even though it’s against all of my instincts, I step aside and let the guards grab her. The utter betrayal in her eyes stabs at my insides like a rusty blade. The hateful glare that follows isn’t much better.

She’s smart enough not to fight or scream, not after Alpha raises the remote and gives her a threatening look. As they lead her away, she keeps glaring at me with raw hatred. I sink onto my knees, rubbing at my chest, surprised by the pain now throbbing there.

She will understand, I think to myself, trying to soothe my anxiety. After they bring her back, she and I will be able to talk, and I’ll explain everything to her. I’ll make her see I didn’t betray her, that I didn’t toss her to the evil aliens to save myself or whatever is going through her mind right now.

I can only hope she’ll give me the chance to explain.

Chapter 12


I can’t believe it. The fucking alien betrayed me! Just when I’d started to trust him and seriously considered riding his alien cock, he betrayed me.

He spoke to the gray aliens and suddenly, I was being dragged out of his cell. It’s infuriating. It also hurts, but mostly, I feel anger. Is he fed up with me already? Annoyed I didn’t suck him off right away? Or maybe the gray aliens wanted to take him away, and he convinced them to take me instead?

Either way, it doesn’t matter. Tareq remains safe in our cell while I’m taken to the creepy medical examination room once again. I want to fight and scream, but what good would that do? They can overpower me with just one click of a button. Until I get my hands on the collar remote or find a way to remove the damned thing, I have to cooperate.

Cooperation doesn’t mean I stop planning my escape. Even as they strap me down on the cold metal table, I keep looking around, memorizing where the sharp tools are and where the scientist puts his remote. It’s in the same spot as usual, near the table. I’m determined to grab it the moment I’m free again.

Of course, the blanket wrapped around my chest sorely lacks pockets. I’ll have to figure out a way to hide the remote, but that’s a task for later. I’m desperate enough to prison-pouch it if necessary.

The second scientist joins the first one, but this time, he leaves after exchanging a few words. It seems like it’s just going to be one of them probing my ass today. I really want to make a snarky comment about it, but I don’t wish to be zapped by the collar. The alien wouldn’t understand me, anyway.

I’m trying to stay calm, determined to endure whatever weird things he’s going to throw at me, but when he forces me to turn my head to the side and straps it in place, I start to worry. My worry goes into full-blown panic the second I see him reaching for a sharp tool.

“Wait! What are you doing? Please stop!” I beg. I’m terrified the aliens are annoyed with me enough to harm me.

The alien barks a command and reaches for a remote, giving me a brief, mild shock. A reminder for me to shut the fuck up.

I bite down, locking my jaw in order to stifle my cries, only muffled whimpers escaping. The alien grumbles but refrains from punishing me further with the remote, at least for now. Instead, he places some unknown tool behind my ear.

I watch as he waves a scanner over my head, adjusting the tool’s position when it beeps. Everything seems fine until suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my skull. I can’t help but shriek and struggle against the restraints, but they’re too tight.

Displeased by my movement, the scientist calls for guards to hold me down. They grab my arms and shoulders, keeping me steady as he explores the hole he has just drilled into my head. A low, throbbing ache reminiscent of a hangover joins the sharp pain, pounding in my skull as if someone is beating me with a hammer.

I might have passed out briefly because when I come to again, my throbbing head is turned to the other side. A guard holds my forehead in place as the scientist places the tool behind my other ear and repeats the motion from before.

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