Page 16 of My Alien Cellmate

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He takes a slow, deep breath, but otherwise remains still. I take that as permission and begin exploring the hair at the end of the tail. It’s coarser than human hair, more akin to a horse’s mane. Black, unsurprisingly. Everything on Tareq’s body seems to come in either black, orange, or a combination of the two. Except for his lips and tongue, which are both dark brown.

Encouraged, I trail my fingers up his tail to where it juts out of a specially crafted hole in the back of his pants. I avoid touching the base of the tail, feeling like it would be a little too intimate. Instead, I reach for his hand.

Four fingers and a thumb. His palm is completely black without stripes and I lightly trace the creases in it, so very similar to mine. His nails are long and sharp, but not really claw-like.

Odd. Didn’t he have claws before?

He murmurs something, flexing his fingers. At that, the nails lengthen, turning into razor-sharp curved claws, as long as my entire fingers.

“Whoa. That’s… useful, I guess?” In a fight, it would definitely come in handy. In other situations, however… Shuddering, I imagine those claws being extended when he’s touching someone’s private parts. Not mine, of course. I’m absolutely not imagining him fingering me.

As if reading my mind, Tareq chuckles and retracts his claws. He says some comforting words, my name and that strange “Myále” word being the only ones I recognize. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I feel like it’s some kind of endearment. What kind, though, is a mystery.

Is it something one would say to an exceptionally clever pet? An annoying younger sibling? A good friend? A lover? The weird alien chick he’d like to bang to put a checkmark next to “human” on his “species I’ve fucked” list?

I trail my fingers up his arm, swallowing the saliva pooling in my mouth at the feel of his hard muscles. His biceps, triceps, and all the other -ceps are rock solid. It’s no wonder he was able to simply hoist me up onto his shoulders and hold me there without breaking a sweat. He could probably carry me like I weigh nothing.

I’ve heard standing sex is amazing. Back on Earth, it was something reserved for the skinny girls dating bodybuilders. Here in space, all bets are off.

My attempts at dragging my mind out of the gutter fail. There isn’t an inch of Tareq that isn’t sexy. His shoulders, his lickable pectorals, his corded neck. His ears, that twitch under my touch, making me giggle. His beautiful eyes, orange with blackened vertical slits that are now so wide they look almost circular. Then there’s his flat nose, so alien and yet so human-looking at the same time, and finally, his mouth.

I might be exploring Tareq’s body innocently but that doesn’t stop me from touching his lips. They’re soft and part eagerly, his tongue darting out to greet my finger.

This time, it’s me sucking in a sharp breath as his wet, hot tongue circles the pad of my finger before retreating into his mouth. The brief contact is so sensual my core clenches.

Judging by Tareq’s fast breathing, licking someone’s finger isn’t a common greeting for his kind, either. He’s clearly aroused too, given that I can see his erection growing larger in my peripheral vision.

Determined to finish my exploration, I mimic opening my mouth. Grinning, Tareq obeys, letting me touch his sharp teeth, astonishingly white against his orange and black skin. His fangs are a little longer than the rest of his teeth, giving him a feral look. I tap on one of them to test how sharp they are, yelping out in surprise when he playfully bites down on my finger.

“Sorry,” I say, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. “I didn’t mean to examine you as if you were some sort of animal. Or test your teeth. I know what they say about the gift horse,” I add with a grin.

He grins back at me, licking my finger again before releasing it. He waits for what I’ll do next, something I don’t know myself. Will I take this any further?

Chapter 11


I can scarcely breathe as As’Trah touches me. My focus is entirely on holding back my primal urge to pull her closer and kiss every inch of her plump human body. I love how fearless she is. How curious she is about my body.

The scent of her arousal fills the air, and it takes every inch of my feeble self-control not to act on my desire. But I can’t screw this up. She’s just started trusting me, maybe even admitting to herself that she’s attracted to me. I can’t act rashly and scare her away.

With that in mind, I sit patiently, my skin prickling under her soft touch. Her fingers feel icy against my skin, and I wonder if that’s normal for humans or if she’s cold. Perhaps I should warm her again, like last night when I held her in my arms.

My cock wholeheartedly agrees with the warming part. Not so much with merely holding her in my arms.

My beautiful human cellmate is curious about my teeth. It’s no surprise, since hers are short and blunt. Useless, much like her claws. My sharp teeth and elongated fangs probably make me look like a dangerous predator to her. Part of me is happy that I look fierce, but I also don’t want her to be afraid of me. I can’t remove my teeth to soothe her fears, but I can show her I’m in control. I won’t accidentally bite her when kissing. Or when licking her pussy.

My gentle nip has her jerking in surprise, but there’s no fear in her expression. Good. Her cheeks, however, change color, and she starts saying something quickly. Apologizing? She used one of the words before when apologizing for laughing at me.

I don’t want her to apologize. I want her to continue exploring. I want her to take my pants off and gasp at the sight of my cock.

I have a great cock. She’d love it.

As’Trah places her hand at the center of my chest, right above one of my hearts. With bated breath, I wait for her to slide lower, over my abs, to the bulge under my pants. But perhaps I’m asking too much of her.

I have to keep in mind that just yesterday, she was terrified of me. Even though she’s brave, she probably doesn’t want to jump straight into something so intimate. Perhaps humans have special courting and mating rituals I’m not aware of. I know very little about them.

I’ll have to be patient with her.

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