Page 14 of My Alien Cellmate

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After getting his fair share of affection, the insect curiously sniffs at the vent. As’Trah doesn’t have to encourage him to enter; the creature crawls in willingly, excited to explore.

I glance at the larger insects in the cell, worried about their reaction. After all, I’m sending their young one toward potential danger. They don’t seem happy, but don’t protest either. Perhaps they’re intelligent enough to understand they need to do whatever it takes to escape before arriving at wherever the Genixarian slavers are taking them.

They’re wearing collars as well. The devices look ridiculous on their slender insect necks, but they’re there and ready to cause them pain at the guards’ whim. Perhaps the Genixarians have already used the collars, just to show the prisoners what would happen if they didn’t cooperate.

Up above my head, As’Trah slides the grid back into its original position before shifting on my shoulders to indicate she’s ready for me to put her down. I’m not happy to let her go, certain that she’ll keep her distance from me again once we aren’t working on a common task, but I can’t keep her riding on my shoulders forever.

I hold her left leg to keep her steady as she swings her right leg around my back to dismount me, then carefully lower her down. Her chest brushes against mine as I do, her blanket wrap coming undone.

Too late, I realize I’m also naked. My pants are still down by my ankles, my cock jutting out, pointing at her like a black and orange striped finger. I cannot hold back a groan as her body slides over my erection, and As’Trah stiffens.

Fuck! I really screwed up now.

“I’m sorry,” I say, even though she can’t understand me. As I try to take a hurried step back so she won’t feel threatened, my feet get tangled in my damned pants, and I stagger. I catch myself against the wall, leaning against it with my eyes closed, embarrassed beyond measure.

Hearing her giggle, my eyes shoot back open. As’Trah isn’t retreating from me in fear. She’s standing where I put her, laughing heartily, her hand slapped over her mouth as she tries to muffle the sounds.

Even though she’s laughing at me, I feel as if a giant boulder has been lifted off my chest. I made her laugh. She isn’t afraid of me.

Her shoulders twitch as she laughs, her eyes gleaming. She’s the most beautiful creature in the entire galaxy, and all I want at this moment is to kiss her.

Chapter 10


I can’t stop laughing. There’s hysteria looming in the back of my mind, but mostly my laugh is caused by Tareq’s adorable awkwardness. It’s also a good way to distract myself from staring at his cock because… His cock? Thick and long and striped just like the rest of him, standing proudly even as he struggles to pull his pants back up.

I froze for a second upon realizing he was naked, thinking that maybe he’s been jerking off while holding me on my shoulders, but then I realized he gave me a button to unscrew the damned rusty screws. A button that could have only come from his pants. No wonder they fell down to his ankles.

It’s all kinds of ironic. These aliens are clearly super advanced, space-faring species. Yet, they still use good old-fashioned buttons to hold their pants up. One would think they’d come up with something more…futuristic than that. But no. Buttons.

I’m grateful for it though. I’d broken several nails before Tareq gave it to me and it made working on the screws so much easier, even though it was still tedious. I’m not even sure it will do us any good. Cricket is smart, but what can one praying mantis do against a ship full of aliens?

Still, sending him off into the vents was better than sitting around doing nothing, so I went with it, even if it meant climbing on Tareq’s shoulders. I didn’t actually mind that part. It was fun and strangely erotic, and I kept imagining straddling his shoulders the other way around, with my pussy right in front of his face.

Do aliens do oral?

He has a tongue. A long one, pointier than a human one. Even if he didn’t know how to use it, I could teach him. And…that’s a completely inappropriate thought. I should want to learn his language so we can escape this place, not so I can give him pointers for oral.

The smutty part of my mind argues that talking isn’t required for this kind of activity, but I silence it. He probably doesn’t even like me. After all, we’re different species. And even if he does like me, I can’t just jump him. What kind of message would that send about humans? Come to Earth, the home of the horny alien-boning sluts? Yeah, nope.

Still chuckling, I pick up the blanket and wrap it around myself again. Tareq has managed to pull up his pants but it seems he has to keep holding onto them or they’ll fall down again. The image has me laughing even harder. Tareq lets out a playful snarl, clearly not thrilled to be the butt of the joke.

“Sorry,” I say, fighting back my giggles. “I can’t stop laughing. I think I’m still in shock from this whole alien kidnapping thing. Sorry.” I suck in a deep breath to calm myself, which helps. A little. “Alright. So, what now?”

Tareq catches the meaning of my question even without understanding the words. Pointing at the vent, he shrugs as if to say that sending Cricket out was the entirety of his plan.

Since I don’t have any other ideas on how to get out of the cell, I sigh. “Fine, then. We wait.” I sit down in the corner with a food bar and a bottle of water, watching Tareq fuss over his pants.

He ends up picking away several threads from the bottom hemline of his trousers and, after punching a hole through the fabric with his sharp claw, he ties the flaps together. It’s crude and not very sturdy, but functional. Clearly, he has experience with fixing things. Does that mean he doesn’t have an alien tiger lady to sew on his buttons? And why am I thinking about this?

Time drags. Being kidnapped by aliens isn’t supposed to be boring, right? Perhaps I’m doing something wrong because it only takes me about an hour or two before I’m bored out of my mind. I try sleeping, but I don’t really feel tired. Also, the floor is uncomfortably cold without Tareq’s warm body enveloping me. Not that I’d admit that out loud.

There’s nothing to do in our little cell. Tareq is restless too, walking around the cell like the proverbial tiger in a cage, his tail swishing back and forth in agitation. Eventually, he sits down and begins picking through the pile of seeds Cricket and the other mantises gave us.

I edge closer, curious over what he’s doing. I sift through the seed pile, picking up what looks like a walnut. A cautious sniff reveals it doesn’t smell bad, so I open my mouth to try it out, only to have Tareq snatch it out of my hand.

He shakes his head, grimacing in utter disgust as he mimics putting the not-walnut into his mouth.

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