Page 89 of Sinful Oath

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“Both of you, shut the fuck up. We have more important things to worry about.”

I load up my messages on the screen and find Anton’s name.

He shared his location, so I import it into my maps before pulling away from the curb. For once, my brothers are quiet as I speed across the city, following the red pin that is telling me Ricci is heading to an old warehouse complex in Chinatown. It’s a shady as fuck area, so it tells me everything I need to know about the sort of business Ricci involves himself in.

Because I happen to own one of those nearby warehouses, and I certainly don’t use it for storing fucking furniture.

I make sure to switch off the headlights as we approach, the only light guiding us coming from a few rickety old street lights.

I spot Anton’s black BMW around the side of one of the warehouses and pull up behind him.

We sit in silence as we watch Anton slip out of his car and come up to my window.

“He’s been in there for the past hour.” He leans on the window frame. “I slipped a tracker into his car just to be on the safe side.”

I nod. “Is he alone?”

Anton nods.

I nod back. “Good, I’ve got it from here.”

Anton hesitates for a moment but then decides to leave it. He understands that me and my brothers need to be the ones to deal with Ricci.

“Keep me updated.” He stalks back to his car.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I watch Anton slowly drive away, giving me the perfect view of the warehouse that Ricci is hiding in.

His car is parked out the front, so the moment he appears, I’ll be ready.

Twenty minutes later, a figure dressed in all black with a hood pulled low over his head appears, carrying an overstuffed backpack.

Danil leans forward. “He looks shady as fuck.”

Ricci opens up the trunk of his car and dumps the backpack inside.

I turn in my seat to face both of my brothers, their faces cast in shadow as they wait for their instructions.

“We need to make this quick, boys.” I reach over Danil to open up the glove compartment and hand each of them a loaded handgun. “Try not to kill him before we have the chance to get some answers.”

Mikhail chuckles.

“But we can wound him, right?”

It turns out one swift blow to the head with the base of my handgun is enough to send Ricci to his knees. Serves the fucker right for having his hood up and his blind spots open.

Mikhail makes quick work of tying up his hands and feet as Danil secures a bag over his head.

It takes all three of us to carry him to the hummer where I toss him into the trunk.

We don’t have far to drive, but perhaps he’ll use that time to think about the benefits of cooperating with us.

I have no conscience when it comes to protecting my family. If I have to take another life in order to protect those I love, then so be it.

My hands are already stained with blood, a little more won’t matter.

Mikhail and Danil stay quiet as I maneuver the hummer through the warehouse complex. They’re well aware that those who are brought here never see the light of day again.

I pull the car up to the set of steel rolling shutters.

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