Page 8 of Sinful Oath

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Doesn’t matter. Alexei Koslov cannot be my future husband. He can’t be my future anything.

“Papino, how could you do this?” I swallow the lump in my throat.

I’m about to be married off to a complete and utter stranger.

“You should have warned me.” I blink back tears.

“We needed an alliance with the Koslov’s, bambina. For protection against the Gilantos.”

A hysterical sob escapes me.

Of course it comes down to business. It always does with my father. Every time I think I might be his top priority, I’m always proved wrong…

When will I learn?

“And there was no other way?” My voice cracks. “Does it have to be through marriage? I-I could go and work for them like I do with you. I could…I could do anything else! Papino, please.”

My eyes are stinging with tears as I look at my father.

Part of me is glad to see the guilt etched across his face, but knowing he didn’t make such a bargain lightly does little to make me feel better.

If anything it only makes me feel worse.

What has my father gotten himself into that meant he had to sign my life away to the Koslov’s?

I’m only twenty-three and nowhere near ready for marriage. Hell, my last relationship during my senior year of college turned out to be a complete dumpster fire, and I vowed to take a break from men for the foreseeable future.

“No, there was no other way, tesorino.” My father sighs. “You are my only child. I had to offer them something of great value to me.”

My chest tightens at his words—at the hidden meaning beneath them.

Only child.

My mother died giving birth to me, and my father has never remarried. He lost the love of his life the day I came into the world, and although he never blamed me for Mamma’s death, I carry the mantel of guilt heavily on my shoulders.

Perhaps this is my way of finally making it up to him.

“You have to know this wasn’t an easy decision for me, Bianca.” He reaches for my hand. “I hope you know I’m not handing you over to the Koslov’s lightheartedly. You are my world, and I’ll do whatever I have to in order to keep you safe.”

“This doesn’t feel like keeping me safe, Papino.” My eyes fall to the floor. “It feels like I’m being fed to the wolves.”

My father flinches, and my chest tightens.

But I should be hurt for a minute or two. I deserve it, don’t I? I was forced to organize a wedding for months that I didn’t know was my own until I got here.

I was betrayed by my whole family. And now I’m being given or sold for something that has nothing to do with me.

Does no one care?

“They will not harm you. I made it pretty clear to them that I wouldn’t tolerate it.”

“Is that meant to be reassuring?”

My father glances over his shoulder at the crowd of guests who will soon enough start to wonder where the hell the bride is. Little do they know she’s in the corner about to commit a felony against her own father if he doesn’t start talking.

Or maybe they all know and are avoiding looking at me because they pity me.

“Come with me, stellina.” My father guides me back into the makeshift cloakroom, away from prying eyes.

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