Page 7 of Sinful Oath

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“Mom and Dad would’ve been proud,” Dimitri says under his breath.

I glance sidelong at my brother, my throat thick as I think of our parents.

“Not only for honoring your promise to Emilio, but for how you’ve kept everything together since…”

I bow my head, hating the shadow that is cast at the mention of my parents.

They should be here, and even though it’s been almost a decade since we lost them, it still feels like yesterday.

The nightmares haven’t gone away yet. The grief still cripples me sometimes. Just like it’s doing now.


“Don’t you wish it could be different?”

I turn to face my brother. “What do you mean?”

He gestures around to the decorated rooftop. “That your wedding would be with someone you…”

“Someone I love?”

He shrugs, folding his arms across his broad chest.

“Perhaps. But this deal with Emilio is more important. I have to honor it. Besides, you know as well as I do that anyone we bring into our lives needs to be aware of the risks. And do I really want to risk yet another person I love?”

“True. Especially since even with the information Emilio offered us, we still haven’t taken down Mario.”

I flex my fingers at the mention of the head of the Gilanto family. The last man standing. The one man I want dead more than anything. “The information was useful, even if Mario got away.”

“It just seems to me that Emilio’s getting a sweet deal here. Our protection, along with security for his daughter, when the one man responsible for destroying our family still runs free.”

“A deal is a deal. He delivered, we failed to bank on it.”

“Maybe we should’ve asked for Mario’s head on a platter,” Dimitri mutters, his jaw flexing.

“If anyone is going to kill Mario, it’s me.”

Dimitri holds his hands up.

I clap him on the shoulder, appreciating his concern.

Dimitri tilts his chin to somewhere behind me. “Apparently, we need to step it up. If we’re not careful, Emilio might be the one getting killed today.”

Frowning, my hand flies to my holster as I follow his line of sight. I let out a huff of a laugh as Emilio gets backed into a corner by his daughter.

“I think I may have to go and rescue my soon-to-be father-in-law from my bride-to-be before she murders him.”

Dimitri laughs. “It wouldn’t be a true Koslov wedding without a murder.”



I’m living a nightmare.

This can’t actually be happening. I can’t be about to be wed to the Don of one of the most powerful crime families in New York.

Is he even a Don if he is Bratva, instead of Italian mafia?

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