Page 55 of Sinful Oath

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No one has ever understood what it meant when I spoke such feelings, and to know someone else feels the same is comforting.

“I know exactly what you mean.”

We fall into an easy conversation as we work for the rest of the hour, choosing to share a little of our pasts but mostly our love for art.

As the class starts to wrap up, Ella gives us instructions on where to put our canvases to dry, and we get to work, tidying away our supplies.

“It was great having someone to chat to.” Marnie smiles as we tidy our supply carts. “Maybe we could swap numbers or something?”

“Uh…” I no longer have a cell phone. Alexei took it after the wedding, and I’ve not been given a new one.

I try to ignore the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach as I think of how little autonomy and freedom I actually have.

“It’s cool if you don’t want to?—”

“No! It’s not that. Sorry, I lost my phone and haven’t got a new one yet. So, why don’t you write yours down, and I’ll text when I sort out my new number?”

“Sounds good.” Marnie smiles. She scribbles down her number on a scrap piece of paper, and I tuck it into the pocket of my dress. “See you next week?”

“I’ll be here.” I offer her a genuine smile in return.

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all…



As soon as I walk outside, Alexei is getting out of the car and walking around to open up my door.

He has a smug look on his face as I slide into my seat, and I watch him as he walks back around to his side, trying not to admire how hot he looks in those black pants that he always wears.


I sink into my seat and fold my arms across my chest as Alexei pulls out of the parking lot.

He’s rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, exposing his muscular forearms as he grips the steering wheel with one hand.

I grind my teeth and keep my eyes forward, annoyed that such a small thing could get me so worked up.

His eyes fly to me and back on the road after a few minutes of awkward silence. “Are you going to tell me how it went?”


He chuckles, glancing sidelong at me, but I keep my eyes forward.

“Are you punishing me?”



“Don’t call me that.”

“Would you rather I call you wife?”

Oh, he is definitely walking on thin ice.

“I’d rather you stay the hell out of my life.”

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