Page 50 of Sinful Oath

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“The person we thought was responsible for Mamochka and Papochka… It turns out they were innocent.”

Everyone is quiet for a moment as I take in what Dimitri is saying.

How is this possible?

“Says who?” I take a long sip of my drink.

“We received an anonymous tip with information about the real killer.”

Danil flinches at Dimitri’s words, and I hate that he’s now old enough to sit in on these business talks.

It’s a brutal game we have to play, and I tried to protect his innocence as long as I could.

But ultimately, he is a Koslov, and that comes with a price.

“How credible is this tip?” I look at Mikhail.

“I’m having one of my guys look into it. I forwarded him the info the moment it arrived in my inbox.”

“Good.” I down the rest of my drink, hissing as the alcohol burns my throat.

“What if it’s Mario just messing with us?” Danil asks.

Dimitri shifts to face Danil, his broad body taking up most of the two person couch.

Danil looks so young, with his clean shaven face and leaner limbs, compared to the rugged build of Dimitri.

“Maybe this is his way of trying to mess with us.”

I frown. “It’s a pretty fucked up way of going about it.”

“It’s Gilanto’s style,” Dimitri growls. “He plays even dirtier than we do.”

Danil glances nervously at me. “Do we take the bait?”

I shake my head. “Not until we can confirm if this information is legit.”

Dimitri scoffs. “It’s not like you not to take a swing at Gilanto. Since when do we need a reason?”

“We don’t.” I get to my feet to refill my glass. “But I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.”

Mikhail shifts in his seat. “Because of Bianca.”

“Yes, because of Bianca. I made a promise to her father to keep her safe and while she’s living under my roof, I’m damn well not going to run straight into the lion’s den without any legitimate reason. So, until your guy can confirm anything, none of us is to make a move against Mario Gilanto. Do I make myself clear?”

They each nod, though I don’t miss the look they share between them.

I’m letting my feelings for Bianca get in the way of business, which is the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen.

I only hope Mario Gilanto doesn’t decide to use that against me.



Alexei perches on a stool beside me as I paint. “Did you go to college?”

I think he secretly likes watching me paint, especially when the subject is his naked body.

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