Page 49 of Sinful Oath

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Once I’m dressed, I pull a blanket off the couch and drape it over her naked body.

“Sweet dreams, solnyshka.” I press a kiss to her hair before slipping out of her room.

I decide to go and make myself a cup of coffee before heading to my office.

It’s late, almost midnight, and I will likely have a few more hours of work to do before I can crawl into bed myself.

Not that I’ll get much sleep.

What I don’t expect to find when I walk into the kitchen is my three brothers standing around the island, all looking particularly sheepish.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

Dimitri shoves his hands into his pockets. “We need to talk.”

He’s wearing a black shirt and pants, his signature look, though his dark hair is a little messier than usual... I pray he didn’t follow Zara out of here and get himself tangled in something he can’t walk away from.

Plus I think Bianca might actually castrate him if she ever caught wind that he had defiled her best friend.

“I thought you went back to the penthouse.” I shake my head as I run my hands through my hair.

Danil catches my eye and gives me a knowing smirk.

Is it obvious what I just spent the last hour doing? Were they downstairs the whole time? I fucking hope not.

“I did, though I’d have much rather gone back to Zara’s place.” Dimitri chuckles.

I shoot him a warning glare, and the amusement instantly fades from his eyes.

“I need to change the fucking locks,” I mutter under my breath.

“It’s our house too.” Mikhail looks like he’s come straight from the gym, wearing black shorts and a T-shirt that are still damp with sweat that shows off his full sleeves of tattoos.

“Not when Bianca Bellucci is sleeping upstairs it’s not. I don’t trust a single one of you assholes.”

“I’m offended,” Danil mock gasps.

“Can we get back to why we’re here?” Mikhail butts in. “Brat, I think we should talk in your office.”

I shake my head, not liking how close they’d all be to Bianca’s very naked body. “We can talk in the lounge.”

We walk out of the kitchen and across the large foyer until we reach the lounge at the far end of the house.

I take pride in knowing it’s as far as we could get from Bianca, so I relax a little as my brothers take a seat on the two leather sofas, and I get to work pouring us all a drink from the bar cart in the corner.

“What’s the issue that has you breaking into my house at gone midnight?” I take a drink over to Mikhail and Danil.

“We got an email through about an hour ago.” Dimitri frowns. “Which you would know if you bothered to check your phone.”

“I was busy.”

I hand Dimitri a vodka and take a seat opposite him, beside Mikhail.

I glance between each of my brothers.

Danil and Mikhail both fail to meet my eyes. Even Dimitri’s usually playful air has turned somber.

“Spit it out.”

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