Page 127 of Sinful Oath

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Hanging up, I notice a missed call from her hours ago.


I pull up the tracking app.

Frederick shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “Is everything okay?”

I don’t reply.

My fingers shake as the tracking app opens, and I click on Bianca’s cell.

I zoom in on the map.

Her phone is heading toward the interstate leading out of the city.

I try calling her.


“I have to go.”

My body doesn’t feel like my own as I sit behind the wheel of my Mercedes and race out of the city, Bianca’s location loaded up on my navigation system.

Someone took her. Someone took my solnyshka and my unborn child right out from under my nose, and I’m not going to stop until the city runs red with the blood of the fuckers who took her.

Micah never should have let her out of his sight. I don’t care how badly she begged, he should have known better.

I only hope his mistake doesn’t cost Bianca her life.

My knuckles are white as I grip the steering wheel, the adrenaline pumping through my veins making me alert.

When I glance at the navigation screen, I almost run my car off the road.

Her location has stopped moving. She’s still on the interstate, but the red pin is stagnant.

“What the fuck?”

I’m only a few miles away, but with each passing second, I start to fear the worst.

There’s only two reasons her phone could have stopped moving in the middle of the interstate.

Either it was thrown from the car, or there was an accident.

I swallow the bile that rises in my throat at the thought of the second option.

It can’t be.

After everything Bianca and I have been through, I can’t let this be the way it ends. There has to be some other explanation because I can’t lose her or our child.

As I speed down the near-empty interstate, I notice the smoke first.

My heart stops in my chest.

“Zhizn’ moya…”

I push the accelerator to the floor, fighting the urge to vomit as the wreckage comes into view.

The front left side of the car is completely mangled, but the damage is too great for it to have simply come from a collision with the safety barrier.

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