Page 126 of Sinful Oath

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“I will do everything I can to find out the truth, Alexei. You have my word.”

“I expect an update in a few days.”

“No problem.”

I nod.

My phone rings as I’m showing Frederick out. I pull it out of my pocket.

“Excuse me a minute.” I frown, swiping my thumb across the screen. “Micah, this better be important.”

“Bianca was taken to the hospital.”

My blood runs cold. Bianca? In the hospital?

“Is she okay?” I run my hand through my hair as my mind goes to the worst-case scenario.

It might have taken me a little longer to come around to the idea of becoming a father, but the thought of something happening to my child, to Bianca, makes me sick.

“She was in pain?—”

“What kind of pain?”

“She had some cramping, but the doctor checked her out and said everything looks fine, but they want to keep her overnight for observation.”

“And you’re only calling me now?”

“Bianca didn’t want me to tell you until we knew for sure what was going on.”

“I’m your boss, not her. Put her on the phone now.”

I try to take a steadying breath.

Micah had one job, and he let Bianca sweet-talk him into bypassing my instructions.

What if something had gone wrong, and he had failed to tell me? What if something had happened, and I didn’t get to her in time?

“Heading back to her room now.”

“You’re not even with her?”

“She wanted tea?—”

“I don’t give a fuck what she wanted!”

Frederik flinches out of the corner of my eye, but I don’t care.

“Let me speak to Bianca.”

A door clicks open.

Micah curses.

Something’s wrong. “Micah.”

“She’s not here.”

“Fuck!” I fight the urge to launch my phone across the room. “I’m going to track her phone.”

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