Page 125 of Sinful Oath

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My throat is raw, and I have no idea where we are or how to get out of here, but then Zara is sobbing. It starts as if it is at the end of a tunnell, but it gets clearer.

I am not deaf. Relief is momentary.

We were so close to death.

My legs are shaking, and it’s taking every ounce of energy I have to climb to my feet.

“We need to call 911.” I pull Zara with me.

As we turn, my knees almost buckle at the sight of a man holding a gun pointed straight at my chest, the mangled SUV behind him.

“I’d get into the car if I were you.”



“I’m intrigued to know what it is you need me to look into so urgently.” Frederik leans back in his armchair.

Handing my private investigator a glass of scotch, I take the seat opposite him.

I chose to have this meeting in the safety of my office at the penthouse rather than at one of my usual haunts in the city. I can’t risk this information getting into the wrong hands.

Everyone’s loyal until they’re offered the right price.

“First of all, I assume I have your utmost discretion. I can’t have any of my brothers knowing what I’m about to share with you.”

Frederik frowns but nods before taking a sip of his scotch. “Of course.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Now I’m even more intrigued.”

Downing my drink in one, I let the alcohol burn my throat as I work up the courage to speak the words out loud.

I don’t trust many people outside of my family unit, but I trust Frederik.

He’s been working with my family for years, but he has been known to do extra work on the side just for me.

I hate the idea of anyone else knowing about my father’s alleged adultery, but I don’t have the time to look into this myself, so asking Frederik is the next best thing.

“I was given some information that I wanted you to look into. It’s about my father.”

Frederik raises his eyebrows but nods.

“Go on.”

“A man named Matteo Ricci told me that my father might’ve not been as faithful as we think. We were questioning him regarding Ivanov.”

“Ivanov? As in…”

“The Pahkan, yes.”

“Fuck.” Frederik lets out a long breath as the words ring in the air between us.

My mouth feels dry, and I want nothing more than to down the entire bottle of scotch, but I need to keep a clear head.

“I need to know if there’s any truth to it, and how the two are connected.”

Frederik downs the rest of his drink. “The Ivanovs are tricky people to look into. It might take some time for me to find any credible sources.”

“I want this cleaned up as soon as possible. My father’s reputation is on the line, Frederik. Even if this rumor gets out, it could ruin my family.”

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