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Gravelly groans propel themselves out of him every time he propels himself into me and the barbaric oscillation successfully soaks my panties.

Not that that was a challenge for him.

He basically uses a more authoritative tone, and I’m ready to go a few rounds, damn whatever else is on the schedule.

My bobbing motions steadily continue at the same pace until Wes’s cock begins to swell consistently in a wordless warning. At that point, I allow it to transpose into something entirely ferocious and frantic and unrestrained, teetering the line between deliciously deranged and dangerously demonic.

Obsession to have him the way he had me this morning overpowers logic and sanity alike until Wes hisses through gritted teeth, “I’m too fucking close, baby.”

Sliding myself back onto my heels, breaking his hold, is done just in time to allow the first burst of cum to land in the center of my extended tongue. The sensation alone is more than enough to have him passionately groaning; however, the added combination of seeing it coat the space and watching me, watch him through my blue mascara covered eyelashes ignites heavier, more possessive growling as scorching spurts drip downward, coating my chin.



“I like you in white, little prey.” He steals a slow, predatory lick of his perfect lips. “You look good enough to fucking eat…”

Chapter 14


I can honestly say I thought Bryn would end up in my bed before she’d end up in here.

Most women would gawk in disgust over the idea of this place even existing, yet she strolled inside like a brand-new adventure she couldn’t wait to grab by the balls.

She even made sure to give mine a casual stroke during the room entering process, which caused me to growl so ferally that it startled Penny who dropped the cup of tea she had made for me as a surprise.

Given that I had worked through lunch – partially because Bryn was out spending her gambling winnings from last night – tea with fresh herbs from the garden would’ve been an appreciated gesture.

Admittedly, the cotton candy sandwich cookies the woman I’m dating brought are infinitely better.

Even if I’m fairly certain they were a well-executed distraction technique to allow her an opportunity to freely roam around one of my most private spaces unbothered.

Getting comfortable in the corner of the dark brown, leather sofa precedes me indulging in another bite of the pink and blue colored treats. “These are fantastic. Where’d you get them?”

“You wanna have Lucky bribe them for the recipe, don’t you?”

I innocently lick away a bit of the buttercream filling. “The thought may be crossing my mind.”

“They’re from my favorite restaurant Mo Mo’s Diner.” She freezes her body underneath the globe like chandelier and slides her hands into her back pockets. “They serve the best and craziest sandwiches.” Glee, I want to taste much more than this cookie coats her face. “We’re talkin’ anchovies on peanut butter and banana kinda crazy.”

“People actually eat that?”

“Not people I wanna fuck.”

Laughter effortlessly springs free, igniting her to join me in the activity. “What’d you have?”

“PB and J.”

“You’re feeling like an eight-year-old today?”

“Maybeeeeeee.” The overdramatic wink gets another round of snickers. “Or…it’s just hard to beat perfection.”

“Perfection is a grilled cheese.”

“Oh, how wrong you are, Mr. Wilcox.” She slowly shakes her head in a playful fashion. “Nothing beats PB and J.”

More chuckles hit our ears prior to me asking, “Did you dine alone?”

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