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While breakfast next to the lake was secluded and romantic, the rest of the day has been far from it. Calls and texts and emails seem never-ending, leaving me to not only have lunch alone but dinner as well since J.T. is still in Vegas. He tries to text – to check on me, knowing his best friend’s habits – however constantly forgetting where I’ve left my phone and napping through Star Trek movie marathons makes that a little difficult.

On one fin?

I don’t mind being alone.

Most of the staff are helpful if I need anything – other than Penny who I swear goes out of her way to be unhelpful – and because of the amount of staff there is, I’m never really alone for too long.

On the other?

It’s kind of like that feeling of wondering when and if the guy you really like is gonna call.

Except not call so much as come see you in his house.

Which is fucking weird.

Even for me.

Passing by the off-white, odd shaped single chair occurs for me to slip behind the long, light gray couch where I can be face to face with the biggest, most luxurious tank in the entire space.

“Would you like a tour, or would you like to continue gawking all on your own?”

His comment doesn’t even warrant a glance over my shoulder. “I can tell you ten times more about the shit in this room than you ever could me.”

“The arrogance.”

“The certainty.”

Wes lightly chortles, sound becoming more popular with me than the intro music to my favorite T.V. series.

“Look, Kirk, the reason I’m not getting any of the jobs I’m applying for isn’t because I practically flunked out of the Starfleet as a cadet.”

“I’m really gonna have to start watching this show, aren’t I?”

“Franchise,” I correct at the same time I spin around to face him. “And considering your best friend is a Trekkie, and the chick you’re gonna bang is a Trekkie, it feels like a wise investment of your time.”

Another round of redness pierces his uncovered face.

I love that he blushes.

I love that he talks a mean game and executes an even meaner one, yet still blushes about some sex shit. It’s definitely a reminder that despite his seemingly expert ways of the tongue, he really hasn’t been living the typical man slut lifestyle.

Unlike his second in command who sleeps with whatever while waiting for the one he’s in love with to love him back.

Because I like him – he’s a sweet nerd underneath all the fancy suits – I want him to get his dream girl.

I just don’t want his dream girl to be her.

And I honestly don’t believe Penny is.

My deep dive instincts are telling me his fixation on her is more about wanting someone not looking to leech off of him or his best friend, which is a fair enough want if you fucking ask me.

“Alright.” Wes folding his arms across his black hoodie covered chest is attached to a command regarding the original statement. “Tell me why you believe you aren’t being called in for interviews.”

“Because everywhere I can find and apply wants experience and you can’t get experience unless someone hires you.”

“Paid internship.”

“Great for college grads fresh out. Less great for those of us that haven’t had a TA grade our work in a hot min.”

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