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Wes’s abrupt abandoning is casually followed by him snaking his frame up my torso to deliver a dreamy nip to the area right above my collarbone. “Mmm…still hungry, baby.” He languorously drags his teeth upwards to the edge of my jaw. “Are there sandwiches left or should I just have more of you?”

The opportunity to rebut is unexpectedly taken by someone else. “How about something fresher instead?”

In unison, our attentions snap to where Lucky and Clark are waiting close by, each holding picnic baskets.


Is it weird to wonder how many of those things they have lying around this place?

When I requested two last night, I assumed it was a long shot, but now, I’m curious if one of the companies he owns is some sort of picnic service.

There’s no hesitation for him to roll off of me in such a way that he blocks my naked figure from being seen.

Not that it matters.

Lucky doesn’t like the ladies, and I’m ninety percent sure Clark wants to be banging my mom.

Assuming that he isn’t already.

Wes properly covers me with the blanket prior to inquiring, “What are you two doing out here?”

“Swapping out your dinner for breakfast,” Lucky announces, Puerto Rician accent adorably stronger in the morning than it is in the evening. “Bryn may not understand the concept of time-”

“It’s a social construct I choose not to subscribe to.”

“You, Wes, are a…unyielding to it.”

“Uppity,” I lightheartedly clarify.

“Yeah,” Luckly casually chuckles. “Uppity is the best word.”

“Perhaps I’m a bit persnickety about time-”

“Who uses a more uppity word to disprove their previous uppityness?!”

My date – that I get the feeling will want to use more definitive labels sooner rather than later – shoots me a mirthful glare. “Uppityness is not a word.”

“Pretty sure it is.”

“Uppishness is the word. Uppityness is non-existent conjugation.”

“That’s not what you said last night.”

The dropping of his jaw in shock has me triumphantly snickering, an action that receives a surprise swat to the ass.

Swallowing my moan is barely done before Clark informs, “Mr. Reese has been trying to reach you this morning under your insistence to be present for the conference call he flew this morning to Vegas to have.”

Wes’s grumble precedes his reluctant nodding. “The Morgan Brand introduction.”

“I have your phone, your headset, and fresh, unrevealing clothing for the journey back to the main manor. The topiary team has already arrived and began their maintenance in the north corner.”

Confusion instantly cakes my complexion. “What the fuck is a topiary team?”

“They handle the shaped shrubbery,” Clark politely answers.

“Those aren’t just…gardeners?”

“They’re artists,” Lucky sasses during his approaching of the area where our fairly empty food basket is stationed. “And never let Rewan hear you call them anything else otherwise. The man’s temper runs as hot as his-”

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