Page 134 of Private

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It’s impossible to narrow my stare further. “You shouldn’t have met with her.”

To my surprise, he says nothing.

“You shouldn’t be anywhere near her.”

Still nothing.

“You’re not the face of her fucking company! You’re not living on her fucking property!” Slamming my fist down on the desk is thoughtlessly done. “You’re not her best fucking friend, Justus!”

His nod is slow. Slightly sheepish. Yet unapologetic. “And you’re not in charge of how I spend my private time, Weston.”

“You should have a drink while it’s still warm,” Penny quietly proclaims prior to pushing the cup just a little closer. “I think you’ll really like it.”


Tea is not one of my preferred beverages.

“Is that all she offered you?” J.T. unhappily bites on a twitched glare. “Tea?” He makes sure to hold my stare hostage. “Or did she offer a little A too?”

Completely caught off guard by his accusation causes me to choke on my response. “What?!”

“You said you were over him,” he spits in her direction, prompting her to turn and face him. “You’re clearly not.”

She presses her lips tightly together as if refusing to reply.

“So, what was that shit with me?” The hurt in his voice sparks a different ache in my chest to expand. “A pity fuck? Settling for second best until first was available?”

Not needing to join the discussion and damn sure not needing to hear it leads me to murmuring, “Take this conversation out of my office. I have work to do.”

“You need to take a break from work,” Penny insists, attention falling to me. “Enjoy a little bit of comfort…”

“You are not the comfort he wants,” my second in command bluntly informs, summoning both of our stares back to him. “You are never going to be what he wants.”

“You don’t know that!”

“You need to accept that!”

“She can’t,” Park unexpectedly interjects, relocating everyone’s focus to where he’s entered the room. “That’s why she sent the photo to the magazine.”

“What?!” Her jaw instantly drops. “I didn’t!”

Park moves his position only a couple of feet forward. “You’re in love with him.”

“That’s an oversell,” J.T. grumbles in disagreement.

“It’s not,” the head of security corrects without hesitation. “I’ve seen the footage.”

At that, her eyes widen in apparent panic. “I…um…I…I…should…go.”

“Stay,” commands the male blocking her exit. “And forfuckssake, drop the innocent, bumbling act. It’s a bit much.”

“I-I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“I’ve watched hours of you lurking around Wilcox. His office. Smelling and wearing his shirts. His deodorant.”


“The way you constantly look at him. Pretend to flirt with Soni during his shift so you can watch Wes on the monitors. The outrage you displayed when Bryn arrived and every time you found them anywhere near each other.”

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