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“-and the ingredients of said items were then checked against things in this building in an effort to spot possible similarities. The results were negative.”

“Which is why it has to be poison!” I squawk in outrage.

“Yes.” Hamilton folds his arms across his scrub covered chest. “I believe it’s a created compound that has a very high metabolizing rate. One that’s hard to pinpoint and hard to detect and doesn’t require a large dose to be effective.”

“Ohmygod!” Momentarily cupping my mouth occurs prior to me shouting, “Someone’s trying to kill my mom!”

“Mmm,” the doctor hums in obvious objection, “not exactly.”

“What the fuck do you mean not exactly?!”

“I don’t believe the intention is to kill her,” he swiftly proceeds. “If it were, she’d be dead by now.”

“Oddly comforting,” Mom mutters under her breath.

“It’s basic science. If murder were the intention, after the first dose didn’t accomplish that, you would increase it and continue to increase it until you achieved the aforementioned state.” A small head shake is presented between explanations. “You wouldn’t only deliver enough to keep causing her discomfort that has her in and out of my care.”

“Unless the goal is to create discomfort,” J.T. casually point out.


I can’t stop myself from throwing my hands into the air. “Why do I feel that’s worse?!”

“Because it implies that none of this was an accident. Your mother is the target of someone’s rage or unhappiness.”

“But why?” she softly squeaks. “Why me?”

“You’re reaching, Hamilton,” Wes defensively chomps. “Significantly.”

“I’m not.” His refusal to back down blatantly continues. “The chances that someone is accidentally infecting my patient are slim to none, a conclusion gathered through hours of reviewing patient data – such as symptoms, start dates, stop dates, durations – and comparing it to known popular ingestible toxins.” He maintains his even demeanor. “Because of the way her body responded and mine, I believe I’ve been able to narrow down the list.”

“Of suspects?!” I fly to the edge of my seat at the same time I snap, “Because I’ll get ‘em to fucking talk! Believe me. My bite is much worse than my bark!”

“There aren’t suspects,” the man beside me seethes and rises to his feet. “I’m sure this is all just some sort of major misunderstanding.”

“You’re right, Mr. Wilcox,” is sarcastically tossed over my shoulder at the same time he begins to slowly pace. “I’m sure someone trying to kill my mom is just a ‘major misunderstanding’.”

“No one is trying to kill her!”

“You don’t get to make that call!”

“Like I said,” Hamilton stresses, summoning our stares back to him, “I don’t believe murder was the intention. Just…discomfort.”

“Why would someone want me uncomfortable?”

“Motive is not my area of expertise,” the doctor gently reminds. “However, accessibility may at least help Park in his search for answers.”

“How so?” Puppet Boy quickly investigates.

“While you can flat out buy a number of poisons from people who specialize in selling it, it’s more inconspicuous when you are the one mixing the compound-”

“Which requires scientific knowledge!” I excitedly exclaim.

“Not necessarily…” J.T.’s cautious interjection warrants my glare. “Nowadays, it’s like building a bomb. Anyone with access to the internet, ingredients, and basic comprehension skills can do it.”

“That’s not fucking helpful then.”

“It is,” Hamilton regains control of the situation, “because the easiest way for absorption is consumption in the form of food or drink.”

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