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I hate interviews.

I hate the lights.

I hate the flashes.

I hate the crowd.

I hate their voices.

I hate being the center of anyone’s attention that isn’t Bryn’s.

“And you, Mr. Reese…”

He quirks an eyebrow in curiosity.

“Remember your left side is good,” she gently taps on that side of his chin, “but your right side is better.”

My best friend smugly smirks as he adjusts his dark navy blue suit jacket.

Kiss ass.

I swear his nose hasn’t been this brown since college.

“Found him!” Jenni squawks from across the room. “He was having trouble getting past security!”


It means they’re doing their job.

Rising to the increased expectations that came about after last year’s shitstorm with Penny Baker, Clark’s only child.

Luther’s discovery regarding her true identity warranted a restructuring of his entire system. Not only did he run deeper background checks on all current estate employees, he wrote protocols that we’ve rolled over into the company, in which anyone I may have physical contact with within the building is subjected to the same scrutiny. Aside from that, I – along with Bryn and J.T. – are always to be equipped with a member of my in-house security team that Luther has personally vetted whenever we’re on property that isn’t owned by me or my company. The extreme lengths may be viewed as overcompensation for the poisoning incident; however, I believe it’s anything but.

What happened to Lauren should’ve never been possible.

Yet it was.

Ensuring that a repeat of such unfortunate events doesn’t happen is needed.


I may have showed mercy once by sending Penny to Switzerland to receive mental help, but I will not show it again.

For anyone.

Our transition from one conference room to the other is thankfully smooth.

Hill and Hurst escort me, J.T., and Douglas to the front of the room where we pose with a ceremonial copy of the contract in the exact position Evie instructed enroute.

We allow what seems to be an endless number of photos to be taken.

We scribble rather meaningless signatures on the document.

We engage in cordial handshakes and hugs and grins to communicate to those that are witnessing the event a sense of togetherness.

This merger wasn’t about the apex predator devouring the weak and swallowing it whole.

It was about aiding in someone else’s dream coming true.

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