Page 5 of Public

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Investors admire his credibility.

I may feed the money machine to guarantee it continues to produce, but it’s him who maintains the audience that wants to be fed.

Contrary to what social media likes to say, I don’t take him for granted.

I’m absolutely aware of how much this company needs him.

I’m thoroughly aware of how much I need him.

Especially in moments like this.

“Your long black,” an unfamiliar, slender woman cradling a tablet announces upon her arrival. “And your dry-cleaning rush order has been confirmed.”

Evie accepts the beverage from the stringy haired blonde prior to introducing, “Wes meet Jenni. Jenni officially meet the boss.”

“I thought you were my boss,” squeaks the young, mousy female.

“I am your boss,” she snips in obvious annoyance, “but this is my boss; therefore, by proxy, your boss.” She lets her hazel gaze glide over the jittery individual. “Understood?”

“Mmmhmm.” Jenni enthusiastically nods. “Totally! One hundred thousand percentsky!” The head bobbing continues as she extends her empty palm out to me. “I’m Jenni. Jenni Cohen. Evie’s new assistant!”

We briefly shake. “Wes.”

“Weston William Wilcox, sole heir and primary shareholder to Wilcox Enterprises, currently engaged to Brynley Elizabeth Winters, the only daughter to Lauren Winters Baker, the woman who runs the household department of your personal estate who is currently on her honeymoon in Switzerland.”

There’s no stopping my eyebrows from twitching in question.

“I study!” Her eagerness to please threatens to make me smirk. “A lot.”

Evie waits until my stare swings back to her to sigh, “I had to fire Dina ten days ago after I overheard her saying some very unbecoming things about your physical appearance to another employee in Julia’s department.”


The horrible comments and judgements regarding my disfigurement that I anticipated receiving if I ever returned to the public continuously make themselves known.

And add to the reason I decline the offers to do magazine covers or features.

I don’t need pity from the public.

From anyone.

“And then Julia let me have Pruitt who was perfect until I caught him jerking it to Bryn’s photo during a long lunch on Monday.”

Low grumbles of disapproval receive an eyeroll.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Gaston has already been blackballed from the village, Mr. Beast.”

Jenni openly giggles at the joke despite my glaring.

“Which brings me to Jenni who was the only person I interviewed that didn’t recoil at your photo-”

“They’re just scars,” she says on a casual tossing of her hand.

“-who didn’t wanna bang your fiancée-”

“Total snipe but I prefer redheads.”

“-or your best friend-”

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