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“The country music hottie?!”

Displeased grumbles thoughtlessly flutter through the air in response to the question.

“Relax, Mr. Wayne,” she saucily insists and lifts her engagement ring bearing hand upward to wiggle in my face. “I’m happily engaged to the man who wouldn’t let me sit on his face during our limo ride here.”

“Holmes and Hurst would’ve seen us.”


“And,” I lean in closer and drop my volume, “the only person I want seeing, hearing, tasting, or touching your pussy is me.” My chin tips down to the five carat, princess cut diamond. “If you need a reminder of that, look at your ring.”

“Jaws could break all of his teeth on it.”

“Which is one reason why you don’t wear it to work.”

Although, I wish she would.

I wish she wore it every minute of every day.

It’s unfortunately not feasible given what she does and how much time she spends in the water.

Her inability to flash it all around the country while rescuing sharks and stingrays and manatees is one more reason why I look forward to the day she’s less hands on and more administrative.

“Nothing good ever comes from you two that close together,” J.T. unexpectedly states, encouraging us to turn to face him.

“Pretty sure everything good comes from us being this close together, Puppet Boy.”

“Puppet Boy?” asks the petite brunette wrapped around his arm.

“An unwanted-”

“Yet totally warranted,” Bryn swiftly informs.

“-nickname that my best friend’s fiancée should absolutely. Give. Up.” His hazel eyes narrow in her direction. “Particularly in public.”

“Unlikely,” she casually brushes off and extends her open palm forward. “Bryn.”

“Shan.” A brief shake is exchanged. “J.T.’s date for the weekend.”

When she shifts her hand for us to connect, I introduce myself around her small recoiling, “Wes.”

“Pleasure to meet you both.” The honey beige skinned female sweetly expresses as she slips her grip back to her date. “I’ve heard so much about you!”

“And here we’ve heard literally nothing about you,” Bryn needlessly pokes prompting me to deliver a small, playful pop to her backside.

“You’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks,” he attempts to retort. “With that rescue out in Texas and the possible move of Steven-”

“Your brother?” questions the new face.

“My shark.”

“You…you…um…have your own shark?”

Her stuttering nature seems to please the woman I’m wrapped around given her mischievous grin. “For work purposes only.”

“I-I-I I thought you worked in corporate.” Shan’s shocked expression is shot to J.T. “Sharks aren’t corporate! Did you mean Shark Tank?! Shark Tank isn’t corporate!”

“Bryn has her own career separate from Wilcox Enterprises,” my best friend rushes to explain.

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