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The ghost of Christmas Future that convinces her to stop making it fucking snow discontent.

Wes’s first knock on her door is expectedly ignored.

As is the second.

And third.

But by his fourth, understanding in me begins to waiver.

His fifth?

Patience is sent to med bay leaving outrage to control my emotional ship.

Furious, heavy pounding is attached to a far from idle threat, “You open this door right now to talk to my fiancé or I will march my pregnant ass down to the lobby where I know there are at least a handful of tiger sharks hoping for chum and give it to them in the form of revealing your ugly bribing and blackmailing ways that have destroyed the lives of many, many people.”

It’s no surprise to me when we hear heavy stomping almost immediately.

I flash the men around me a smug smile and fold my arms firmly across my chest.

You know what?

I think I’m gonna take that job.

I know I can get shit done.

Real shit.

More shit than Species 8472 ever did.

Monica aggressively opens the door revealing her puffy, makeup smeared face alongside her severely disheveled hair. “What can I do for you Wilcoxes?” A loud sniffle is stolen. “You want a public apology? She tucks strands behind her ear. “A copy of my resignation letter?” Her hand falls defeatedly onto her dark green pants. “For me to relocate at least fifty miles away from your family to save you the trouble of having a restraining order drafted and filed?”

“Yes,” instantly leaves me. “To all of that.”

“Bryn,” Wes hisses in disapproval forcing me to seal my lips shut.


Didn’t realize they were rhetorical questions.

“May we come in?” he politely asks.


“To talk.”

“You mean to gloat?”

It’s damn near impossible to bite my tongue, yet I do.

For his sake.

“I mean what I say,” Wes emotionlessly announces. “I understand that you’re accustomed to having to manipulate speech in order to collect information or achieve the desired results you seek; however, this is not an investigation or an interrogation, Monica.”

“Then what is it?”

“Simply a request to speak candidly between one another.” His expression tightens at the same time he leans slightly forward. “Completely. Off. The. Record.”

At that, she slightly nods, steps back, and wordlessly ushers us inside, leaving Holmes on the outside to do his job.

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