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“You Bajoran Wormhole using bitch!” One hard push on the back of Raquel’s shoulder stumbles her around. “You’ve been selling my personal shit to the fucking press!”

Her expression pales at the same time her mouth drops to lie. “It’s not what you-”

“Of course it’s what I fucking think!” I loudly huff prompting the female she was talking with try to bail. “Ohnoyoufuckingdon’t.” A harsh finger is thrown at her. “Move another goddamn inch, and I will rip out every strand of your extensions like a fucking bull shark frenzied by chum.”

The unidentified blonde squeaks, yet completely freezes.

“You’re the leak?” Wes questions in a calmly eerie tone. “You’re the source that’s spoon-feeding information not meant for the general public to the public?”

Raquel immediately croaks, “I’m-”

“It would be wise of you not to waste my time with lies, Ms. Lane, as the longer you lie, the worse this situation will play out for you,” he leans menacingly forward, “indefinitely.”

While moaning over his power flex is my first instinct, it’s momentarily suppressed by the new level of irateness coursing through my veins.

“You have one chance,” my future husband practically growls, entire body straining to stay in place. “Use it.”

Her red stained lip gets pinned harshly between her teeth.


“Monica said it wasn’t a breach of contract,” Raquel rushes to explain. “That the NDA I signed didn’t cover second handed conversations I had or conclusions I came to based on information I gathered.”

“Like finding my pregnancy test in the fucking trash?!”

A small sigh of surrender precedes her whispered confession. “Yes.”

“Sonofawhore!” The frustrated lunge I make in her direction is barely stopped by the man beside me. “How could you fucking do this to me?!” Wes tightens his hold around my waist to keep beside him. “How could you betray me?! How could you break the trust of your employee?!” All of a sudden, something else hits me like a brick of whale sharks. “Is that why you’ve put me on desk duty in the office closest to yours?!” Additional outrage has my voice rising once more. “So that you can literally hear my conversations through the fucking wall?!”

“Mr. Wilcox,” Lurch’s voice forcefully intrudes. “Is there a problem here?”

“There is,” he replies, voice sinking to an alarming, low tone. “Please alert Park that we have two level one situations we need handled.”

“Yes, Sir,” the large male responds prior to touching the device in his ear.

“And unless you would like that situation to end with you raising your child via video chat from a foreign country, I suggest you explain to me why you breeched your contract.”

“Monica said-”

“Monica lied!” I shriek garnering more attention.

“She didn’t lie,” her assistant tries to inject into the conversation. “She simply manipulated the definition of the truth.”

There’s no stopping me from stomping my foot. “That’s a lie!”

“That makes you liable for buying into it. And the loopholes, Monica has led you to believe she legally circumvented, my team will undoubtedly prove were actually still breeched.” Wes states, reclaiming the conversation. “The cost of betrayal is most certainly high financially speaking.”

“That’s why I did it!” my boss hopelessly professes. “I’ve got a shitty ex-husband that doesn’t pay shit to help his dying fucking daughter that’s in the hospital waiting for a transplant! That shit isn’t free! Keeping her alive isn’t free! Trying to figure out how to fucking live not knowing if she’s going to make it another day or seven or thirty-seven is exhausting and costly and I…I…I…did the only thing I thought I could do to help the situation! I did what I thought was best for my daughter!”

“You put my family in jeopardy to save yours,” my fiancé coldly claims on a chilling step forward. “That was a deadly mistake.”

Chapter 23


The last time I was this sick to my stomach I was coming off quite an awful bender.

This time it’s because I’m about to confess to the entire world – on a live streaming event – my family’s deep, dark, dirty little secret they had successfully kept hidden for literal decades.

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