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“Technically, I am both the K and the T.” He indulges in a sip of champagne. “There is not an actual second founder. The T I use is for Turner. It is the last name of the woman I love but unfortunately lost due to my own selfish mistakes.” Noticeable sadness coats his crystal gaze. “That woman is the entire reason I started K&T. The institutes – both the one in South Haven and the one in Doctenn, my home country – are my more therapeutically approved way of coping with the heart wrenching agony of a life without her. She loved the ocean and every creature in it.”

An almost whispered awe escapes as the man I know who understands his pain extends a kind hand in his direction. “Weston. Weston Wilcox.”

“The billionaire.”

Reluctantly, he nods at the label. “Yes.”

“Your whiskey is the only one my family drinks.”

“High praise to know that I’m up to literal royal standards.”

“Royalty?!” escapes me prior to my better half pointing to box up the cufflinks. “I don’t remember reading about you being royalty?!”

“I tend to have them leave that out of my bio section,” he haughtily laughs on a casual shrug. “Brother of the king somewhat distracts from the cause I believe.” At that, he motions a hand. “The cause in which I have heard you have done wonders for in R&R. So many wonders in fact, that I am tempted to see what it would take to get you to relocate to K&T permanently as opposed to simply working with us in the partnership the two institutes have.”

“I would be tempted to consider it given that you now have a huge hunk of my heart in one of your tanks.”

His head tilts in question. “Oh?”

“Steven,” Wes replies for me after shaking his head the jewelry woman regarding a giftbag. “He’s a young, scalloped hammerhead. You recently acquired him for breeding purposes.” He places his glass down on the case. “And it broke my fiancée’s heart not only having to say goodbye but to be unaware of when she can visit him in agreement with her busy schedule.”

“An easy fix if you switch institutes.”

“Or,” begins the man whose grip on me tightens, “an easy fix if you, the head of the organization, simply gives me a number of his choosing to donate – yearly – in order to grant my future wife unlimited access to visit her best – fin bearing – friend.”

“And when you say unlimited access, you mean…?”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s two o’clock on a Tuesday or three A.M. on Christmas.”

“Wes,” I whisper out in objection.

“That shark means everything to her, and she means everything to me.” His statement is followed by a brief glance at the blonde in charge of jewelry. “Find me something for my mother-in-law. Simple. Not showy. Wrist or neck, not hand.” The instant she nods in understanding he returns his focus back to the other male. “Paying for her to have an all-access pass while giving to a good cause seems like a better idea than installing our own personal shark tank on the estate grounds and purchasing Steven outright; however, if that is where this conversation ends then so be it.”

“You can’t be serious,” is hissed out in a hushed tone.

Can he?

Can he actually have a shark tank built on our property?!

Holy fuck, can he actually buy me a shark?!


Should he?

Would that be a good idea?

I mean it would be for me but not the poor creature.

“Alright.” Trenton’s smile threatens to blind us in the dimly lit event. “Your fiancée can have full access anytime day or night to visit Steven.”

“The cost?”

“A favor.”

“I’m listening.”

“My nephew, Kellan, has his own charity foundation that helps foster homeless children. Unfortunately, due to his decision to marry someone of a different ethnicity, his funding is enduring a bit of a financial snag. He will – most likely sooner rather than later – need an additional backer who possesses a significant amount of clout to his name.”

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