Page 61 of His to Win

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“He has the Midas Touch when it comes to finances and, now, when it comes to finding the right woman,” Angelo states. “I’m not sure how you did it, Enzo, but you’re one lucky man. I think we all saw the sparks flying, though, from the moment you two met.”

“What?” Gabriella exclaims. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, c’mon, honey. Everyone noticed you eyeballing me from across the table at our meetings.”

Gabriella slugs me in the shoulder and I chuckle.

“We all noticed the eye-fuc—” Angelo catches himself and grins sheepishly, “I mean, the enamored stares between you two. So, I’m not surprised that you guys hit it off. Granted, there were some bumps…and now there’s a baby bump.”

I sigh, shaking my head, and people laugh.

Angelo leans in and loudly whispers, “I’m going to stop while I’m ahead.”

“Good idea,” I respond dryly.

“The future is so bright for my brother, his new wife and their little bundle of upcoming joy and…” He lifts his glass, “I couldn’t be happier for you guys. Love you and I’m looking forward to meeting my new niece or nephew.”

Angelo tosses me a salute and everyone raises their glass, exclaiming, “Cheers!”

I touch my glass against Gabriella’s and we both take a sip. The sound of silverware clinking against glasses suddenly fills the air and I know what that means. With a wolfish grin, I lean in and say, “C’mere and kiss your husband, honey.”

And then we kiss and kiss and kiss some more.




Thirty-Two Weeks Later…

I waddle along the cobblestone pathway, barefoot and as big as a freaking house. I’m exactly forty weeks pregnant today and I’m ready to pop. As much as I’ve enjoyed this journey, these last few weeks or so have been pretty miserable because I’m uncomfortable almost all of the time. It’s hard to sleep, I can’t stop eating, my feet are swollen, my back hurts…

It’s a long list of gripes, but I know the moment our baby is born, every last ache, pain and nauseous feeling I’ve experienced during my pregnancy will have been worth it.

Stretching my hand out, trying to grab my laptop off the table without losing my balance is a challenge. When you’re as big as I am, your balance and coordination get all screwed up. I’ll be happy to get back down to my normal size again once I give birth. I’ve downloaded a bunch of exercise apps and I’m ready to start dropping this baby weight fast. I also miss my high heels and can’t wait to be rid of the incessant swollen ankles and feet that have been plaguing me for months on end now.

“Aww, honey, I would’ve gotten that for you,” Enzo says, hurrying over to grab my laptop. We’re in Sicily at his parents’ estate and vineyard. It’s absolutely stunning here and, the moment we arrived, I knew I didn’t want to leave. I fell completely in love with the island, the people, the language. Everything about Sicily is enchanting and I knew I wanted to give birth here.

Luckily, Enzo and I can work from anywhere, so this last trimester has been spent surrounded by the beauty of Sicily and the grapes, flowers and stunning views. His parents have been nothing short of wonderful, spoiling me rotten, and I’ve enjoyed our time here tremendously. It’s so laidback compared to the hustle and bustle of New York City and it’s exactly what I needed these last few months. It was very important to me that I avoided any additional stress and ended my pregnancy in a quiet place with calm, soothing energy. Besides, Trista and Marco are making sure everything is being taken care of and they’re quite reliable. I also think they’re secretly seeing each other, but neither has admitted anything to me or Enzo. I’m absolutely fine with it, though, and think they make an adorable couple.

“You’re not supposed to be working, anyway,” he chastises me, setting my laptop back down on the glass table, but closer.

I lower myself down onto the rattan sofa and sigh. Getting around is getting harder and harder. Way more of a challenge than I ever thought it would be. “I know, but I just wanted to check my email quickly.”

“Quickly. Then how about a nap?” he suggests.

“I can’t sleep. It’s too hard getting comfortable and she’s kicking all the time. I swear, she’s going to grow up and be a boxer or a soccer player.” I round my hands over my enormous belly and, yep, she’s going at it like I’m some kind of punching bag.

Enzo sits down beside me and slips his hands over my vibrating belly. I watch as his mouth curls up in a huge smile and I cover his hands with mine. We couldn’t wait to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. As soon as the doctor could accurately tell the baby’s sex, we discovered I was carrying a little girl. After she told us, I was thrilled and Enzo…well, my big, strong, tough husband may have shed a tear or two. I’ll never forget that moment for as long as I live.

“Maybe we should name her Rocky,” he teases.

But I shake my head. “No, I love Luna. It’s rather fitting, too, since she was conceived by the light of the moon.”

“God bless faulty condoms.”

“Well…we don’t want it to become a habit.”

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