Page 60 of His to Win

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Everything seems to fly by and, before I know it, I hear the line I’ve been waiting for, “You may kiss the bride.”

I lower my face and capture Gabriella’s lips, sending up a very grateful thank you to the powers that be who brought us together. Who blessed me with this incredible woman and the baby she’s carrying. Without a doubt, I know I am the luckiest sonofabitch in the world.

Cheers fill the air and we finally break apart and turn to face our family and friends.

“It is with greatest pleasure that I present Mr. and Mrs. Enzo Rossi,” Father Piero says, and the clapping and whistles grow louder.

“C’mon, Mrs. Rossi,” I say, guiding her down the steps and past everyone. “We have some celebrating to do.”

After the ceremony at St. Michael’s church, everyone heads over to the Italian restaurant that we all love. Mario Agresti is practically family and he shut down the place for us today so we could eat, drink and dance until it’s dark.

As soon as we walk inside Agresti’s, Gabriella gasps. Carlotta was in charge of decorating and I’m not surprised that she did an outstanding job. Fairy lights hang from the ceiling and the red and white checkered tablecloths have all been replaced with silver-edged white cloths. Flickering candles in jars and flowers serve as centerpieces, and every table has a bottle of wine from Rossi Vineyard waiting with a silver bow tied around it.

“It looks so pretty,” Gabriella says, and I nod.

“Carlotta is great at organizing events and decorating.”

“I love your sister,” she says, “and I can’t wait to get to know her better. Your parents, too.”

“You know who I love?” I tug her closer, spinning her around to face me.

She cocks her head, pretending to think, and I slide my hand down and over her satin-covered ass, squeezing. “Who?” she asks, caramel eyes full of mirth.

“You, Mrs. Rossi.” I kiss her thoroughly. “Never doubt that.”

Gabriella bestows a smile brighter than sunshine on me. “Right back at you, Mr. Rossi.”

“Time for a toast!” Angelo yells.

“Everyone please fill your glass,” Carlotta says, directing guests over to sit. “Enzo and Gabriella, you’re here.”

We follow my sister to the front table and sit down to face everyone. Then Angelo appears and I’m not surprised that he’s the one giving the toast. My younger brother is so full of life and always making us crack up.

I pour sparkling water into Gabriella’s glass and wine into mine, then we turn our attention to Angelo and I hope he doesn’t roast me too hard. As if reading my mind, Angelo looks over at me and smirks like the devil about to cause all sorts of mayhem.

“Fair warning, Ang,” I say before he can start. “One day you’ll be in my position. I will remember this moment.”

“Oh, don’t be so mafia, Mr. Rossi,” Gabriella says with a chuckle.

“I am mafia, honey. We both are.” I plant a quick kiss on her lips.

“First off, there’s a slim to none chance that I will ever be in your position. Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled you found your better half—” Angelo winks at Gabriella, “—but this isn’t my scene.”

“I have a feeling Angelo would elope,” Gabriella says.

“Never. Only one woman? Nope. I like having options.”

“Never say never, little brother,” I warn him. “It’s like tempting fate.”

“Okay, enough about me.” Angelo turns to the crowd and grins wickedly. “I want to congratulate my older brother because, let’s face it, none of us ever thought there was room for a flesh and blood woman in his life since he was married to his job.”

A chorus of agreement fills the air and I frown. “Careful, Ang,” I warn, “or your portfolio may not do so well next quarter.”

Angelo merely laughs, brushing my threat aside. “Yes, this man knows how to make money. Hell, he makes millions before he even gets out of bed in the morning. Why do you think I have him manage my money?”

Everybody laughs.

“Mine, too,” Vin calls out.

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