Page 36 of His to Win

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We both look like we’ve lost our best friend.

I’m racking my brain, trying to come up with a reason to make her stay. But, I can’t. We both know it’s Monday morning and it’s time to go back to Holloway Corp.

And what? I wonder. Pretend none of this happened?

I don’t like that. Not one fucking bit.

Even though it’s barely six o’clock in the morning, I drive her home. Once we’re parked in front of her apartment building, I put the car in park and turn to face her.

“That was the best weekend,” I tell her. Of my life, I don’t add.

“Yeah,” she agrees, mouth tilting up in a half-smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

For a long moment, neither of us says anything. Then I lean in and kiss her softly.

“I’ll see you in a couple of hours,” I say and squeeze her elbow.

She nods then quickly slips out of the car. For a moment, I swear I saw her eyes glisten over. But, no, I’m probably just imagining things. I wait until she’s inside then sigh and turn the wheel, heading back home.

Yet, once I’m back, it doesn’t feel like home. With Gabriella’s presence no longer there, it feels cold and dreary. I hate it. After making a cup of espresso, I wander over and look out the windows. Outside, it’s cloudy and gray. Fitting because my mood is the same.

Did I make a huge mistake by letting her go? I wonder.

We only promised each other two days. But maybe what’s happening between us is bigger than just one weekend. Could we actually have a future together? Is that what I want? What she wants? I don’t think I’ve ever been so confused in my life.

But, one thing is painfully certain. I miss her. I miss her honey scent, contagious smile and sassy comebacks. When we go back to the office in a couple of hours, is she going to hate me all over again? Will the connection and rapport we built be gone? The idea that it could all just fade away leaves me cold and feeling desolate.

No, I don’t want that to happen. The Gabriella I’ve gotten to know is so warm and caring. She loves her family and her job. She cares about the people around her and when she thinks no one is looking, she lets her walls come down and it’s absolutely beautiful.

She’s beautiful. In every single way.

“Holy shit,” I murmur, studying my reflection in the glass. “You’ve fallen for her.”

The question is has she fallen for me? I’d like to think that she has, but I can’t say for certain. We’re both sharks when it comes to business, so I’ll be very curious to see how she acts today at work. Will she dismiss me? Shut her office door and not want anything to do with me? Or, will she invite me in for a quickie on the desk. Just the thought starts getting me worked up.

I honestly have no idea what to expect today but, come what may, I’m going to be prepared. I just hope beyond hope that we find ourselves together later today falling right back into the beauty of this past weekend.

After finishing my espresso, I put my cup in the sink and decide to put a little extra effort into my appearance today. After showering, I shave off the weekend’s scruff, splash some aftershave on and carefully brush my thick hair, making sure not one strand is out of place. I even use a little styling gel. Then I pick out one of my most expensive suits and choose a nice coordinating shirt and tie.

On my drive over to the office, I’m nervous. Hell, I haven’t been this nervous since…

My mind wanders back to the first moment I laid eyes on Gabriella. Yeah, that was when I was last sweating and couldn’t draw in a deep enough breath to save my life. Something about her gets me all worked up and I hope I have the same effect on her as she does on me. Because if this is just a one-sided thing, I think I might actually cry. She has the uncanny ability to turn me into a pile of mushy goo.

Parking my Jaguar out front, I pull in a deep breath and check my appearance in the rear view mirror before getting out.

Here we go, I think.



After Enzo drops me off, I run into my apartment and puke my guts out. The moment I stepped out of his car, it hit me out of nowhere and I barely made it up to the bathroom in time. Breathing hard, waiting for the wave of nausea to pass, I hold my hair back and a sheen of sweat covers my forehead.

Once I think I’m done being sick and my stomach settles down, I drop back onto my butt and swipe a hand over my face. “What was that all about?” I wonder aloud. Since I’m feeling better, I get up to wash my face and brush my teeth. At least I didn’t throw up in Enzo’s car. That would’ve been humiliating.

Speaking of whom, I can’t stop thinking about him as I get ready for work. He’s wedged himself so deeply into my thoughts that it’s scary. What did I think about before him? I suppose only work, but everyone knows the old saying about all work and no play.

Until Enzo, I had been living a very dull life. It’s the truth and I can admit it because now that I know how it feels to have Enzo in my life, I don’t ever want to go back to what it was before. Sad and lonely.

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