Page 31 of His to Win

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“Unclench your fists,” Miceli says. “I think it’s time to man-up and face the truth—you purposely stepped on Gabriella’s toes and went after Holloway Corp. because you were pissed she left after your one night together. But, I’d say it’s pretty apparent that you both want more. So instead of imploding from sexual frustration, go apologize. It’s much simpler.”

“Apologize?” I echo. “For what? Doing my job? Holloway Corp. is a great opportunity?—”

Vin lifts his hand, effectively cutting me off. “Stop, Enzo. No more bullshit. Do you want to be with Gabriella? Yes or no?”

I swallow hard, lift my hand and order another drink. Honestly, I don’t have to think about his question too hard. The answer is a resounding yes. But, I think I have to get over my pride first.

“You’re going to have to make a choice,” Miceli says. “Her or the business.”

“I always choose business,” I tell them.

“Doesn’t mean it’s the right answer,” Vin states wisely.

He’s right. They all are and, for the first time, I understand exactly what I have to do—suck up my pride and, as hard as it is, admit I’m sorry for taking advantage of the situation and jumping in and screwing up her deal with Holloway Corp.

“I want to be with Gabriella,” I announce to my brothers. Ignoring the drink the server just set down on the table, I pop up and stub my cigar out. “Okay, I’m going over to her place right now. I’ll apologize?—”

“Prepare to grovel,” Miceli interjects.

“I can do that,” I say, nodding. “And I’ll step away from Holloway. What else?”

“Sexual favors always seem to work,” Angelo adds, dark eyes twinkling.

“I have no problem with that,” I say, and my brothers laugh.

“Go get her,” Miceli encourages me, and I keep nodding like an idiot.

“You’ve got this,” Vin says and tosses me a salute.

“Okay, wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” Angelo says in a sing-song voice. “You’re gonna need it.”

They all chuckle as I turn around and head out, my mind set on apologizing to Gabriella. I’m glad my brothers talked some sense into me. For the first time, things seem more clear. I just have to hope Gabriella is in a forgiving mood. That’s going to be the tricky part. Mafia princesses aren’t exactly known for their forgiving nature.

I’m too big of a coward to call her first, so I drive straight to her place and grab the door as a tenant is leaving. Even though I’ve never been here, I’m a stalker and saw her address on some paperwork and, of course, committed it to memory. Jesus, I must be losing my mind.

She’s in apartment twelve and, right before I knock, I send up a prayer for some good luck. I’m going to need it, just like Ang said.

“Here goes nothing,” I whisper under my breath, lift my hand and knock firmly. I hear movement from inside, so at least she’s home. When the door swings open a moment later, my chest tightens. Gabriella is wearing a t-shirt, boxer shorts and she’s barefoot with her long hair twisted up in a messy bun on top of her head. She’s never looked more beautiful to me and before she can slam the door in my face, I wedge my foot in, and the words spew from me like water from a faucet.

“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry for being a dick and moving in on Holloway. The only reason I did it was so I could see you again and because I was pissed off that you’d left early after our night together. Because I wasn’t ready for things to end. I’m still not ready for them to end.”

Her eyes widen and before she can say a word, I push the rest of the door open, step inside and drag her against my body.

“I’m so damn sorry, Bri. Please forgive me. I’m ready to beg, honey. Just say the words and I’ll be down on my knees.”

Instead of making me beg, Gabriella tells me everything I need to know when she presses her lips against mine in the softest, sweetest kiss. Then she pulls back and looks up at me. “I’ve been waiting for that.”

Oh, thank God. My knees almost sag in relief as she tugs me inside, kicking the door shut behind her.



This is all I’ve wanted from Enzo and he’s finally admitted what he did was wrong. Well, not so much what he did—he is a businessman and I can respect that—but the fact that he used what I told him in confidence against me and then went behind my back, knowingly trying to steal the most important deal of my career.

“I’m not ready for things to end, either,” I admit quietly.

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