Page 23 of His to Win

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“What do they have to do with it?” I ask carefully.

“They’re the ones who jumped me. I had assumed you sic’d them on me after informing them about this.” He lifts a hand and motions around the office. “They weren’t too happy about you spending the night in my bed, either.”

My jaw drops as my mind races. “That doesn’t make any sense. There’s no way in hell those two know about us.”

“Well, they do, and they had a lot of fun trying to beat the shit out of me.”

I’m so confused. “I-I don’t understand.”

How would Tommaso and Romeo have found out? Unless…I quickly connect the dots and it leads me straight to Lili.

Oh, my God. I don’t want to believe my friend would’ve said anything, but she must’ve let it slip. She’s seeing Romeo, against my advice, and she loves to gossip. I let out a soft sigh and I feel awful.

Taking a step closer, my focus moves to the black and blue mark on Enzo’s cheek and my chest tightens. I hate seeing he’s hurt and knowing it’s my fault makes it so much worse. I vented to Lili, not thinking about the possible repercussions or that my friend tends to gossip and talk too much…and it must’ve gotten back to my cousins. After what happened with Rocco and Miceli, they hate the Rossi family and will use any excuse to start a fight.

On the verge of apologizing, I open my mouth, ready to swallow down my pride, when Enzo smiles.

“All you need to understand, honey, is I’m going to look real good in that corner office,” he drawls.

And there he is—the cocky bastard is back.

“Oh, you think so?” I retort, getting all fired up again. Forget the apology.

“I know so. But, if you want to come here every day for the next two months and give it a go then be my guest. But, know this—you’ll be wasting your time because you’ve already lost.”

The man is unbelievable. “You are the most arrogant prick I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.”

“Sorry, what did you say about my prick?” he asks, lips curling up.

“I hate you,” I seethe. I know it’s childish but, at this moment, I hate him so much I can only see a red haze.

“You know what they say. There’s a thin line between love and hate. Don’t go falling in love with me, honey.”

“Oh, shove it up your ass.” I march up to him and stab him in the chest with my index finger. “You’re going down, Rossi. And I’m going to take great pleasure watching it happen.”

His mouth edges up in a smirk. “Well, I’m all about giving you pleasure…Bri.”

“Ugh!” I throw my hands up in the air, spin around and stomp out. Because the truth is I’m scared that if he keeps saying things like that to me, I might wind up behind the desk, making out with him on the floor.

And that can’t happen.

He has a valid point and I hate admitting it, but there is a very fine line between love and hate. And right now I’m teetering on that extremely delicate line. Because as much as I can’t stand him, I’m also crazy attracted to the jerk.

God, help me.



Two months, two months, two months.

The mantra has been playing in my head on repeat all week. Gabriella and I have started working together and even though I’m keeping it together on the outside, inside I’m going a little crazy. Those clicking heels, that honey-scented smell of hers, those slim-fitted skirts…it’s enough to drive a man insane. And the way she leans, allowing me to catch a glimpse of lace beneath her shirt. It’s killing me. All I want to do is grab her, haul her against my aching body and kiss her senseless.

That can’t happen, though. I need to be on my best behavior, work extremely hard to prove my worth and secure this deal. Nothing else should matter. Not the way she greets me so jovially every morning, even though I know it’s fake, or the way she leans a hip against my door and asks if I’d like a coffee. She’s going above and beyond to be nice, and it’s making me a little nuts.

Right now, she’s making her way around the office, checking in and chatting with all of the employees. Good for her. Sucking up to other people has never been a tactic I use to win. I deliver results. Sure, it’s smart to build relationships, but screw that. I can’t go out there right now and risk bumping into her. It’s not even a risk, it’s a sure thing because this office is so damn small.

Maybe that’s part of the problem. Every time I turn around, she’s there. Smiling, laughing, drumming those long nails against something. Closing my eyes, sitting back in my chair, I groan as I remember how they felt dragging down my back. My groin tightens at the memory. She left her mark on my skin and I remember catching a glimpse of it the next day in the bathroom mirror. I want those nails scratching down my back again, but it’s impossible.

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