Page 17 of His to Win

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“That’s just not consistent behavior with a man who only wants sex. That sounds like a man who wants to see you again.”

I snort. “I saw him again and almost punched him in the face.”

“Ooh, you guys sound fiery. Tell me about the sex. It must’ve been super hot to have you this worked up.”

I roll my eyes, trying to act nonchalant, but I can feel my cheeks grow warm.

“It was…” I swallow hard and decide to be honest. “The best I’ve ever had.”

“Yes!” She exclaims, pumping a fist into the air. “I knew it! You needed a good bonking and I love that he blew your mind.”

“Well, I’m not exactly thrilled about it. I mean, I was that night, but now? Not so much.”

“This might be able to work,” she murmurs thoughtfully, but I shake my head.

“No, impossible. One of us is going to win Holloway Corp. and the other is going to lose. There’s no way one of us won’t end up bitter about it.”

“Well, if he can get over his pride when you win, it should be fine. He’ll need a good night of loving after losing to you, though.” She throws her head back and laughs.

“This is Enzo Rossi we’re talking about. He’s not used to losing.”

“Have you thought about backing out?”

“Absolutely not! There’s no way in hell I’d back out of a deal I’ve been working on for months.”

“Okay, that’s fair.” She finishes her drink and gives me a sad look. “Well, sounds like you’re both determined and, like you said, there can only be one winner. I don’t know, Gabs, if neither of you can set your ego aside, I don’t see how you could possibly have a future together.”

“I don’t want a future with him,” I say stubbornly. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of a white lie. Oh, hell, I don’t know. I’m so confused and this conversation hasn’t helped me at all. I needed some clarification and I got nothing. Thanks a lot, Lili.

“If you say so.”

She doesn’t believe me and, to be honest, I’m not sure I believe myself either. God, this sucks. “I finally meet a man who captures my attention…and it has to be Enzo-freaking-Rossi.” I groan and drop my face into my hands.

“Just take it slowly and see what happens. Who knows?”

“That’s not very good advice,” I lament, peering at her from between my fingers.

“I’m sorry, Gabs. But, under the circumstances, it’s the best I can do.”

With a groan, I lower my hands. I’m not in the mood for another drink, so after saying goodbye and promising to keep her updated, I drive home. My apartment usually feels cozy, but right now it feels sad, quiet and lonely. My mind is all over the place and, for the first time since I can remember, I don’t feel like working. So, instead, I strip out of my suit, pull on a pair of comfy pajamas and fall onto the couch. I’m not in the mood to be productive, so I find a show I’ve heard good things about and mindlessly start to binge it on a streaming service.

Three and a half episodes later, I’m only half watching when my phone rings and I see it’s Doug Holloway. Popping up, I grab my phone, clear my throat and answer, “Mr. Holloway, how are you?”

“You know better—call me Doug, Gabriella.”

“Hi, Doug,” I amend, curling my legs up beneath me. He must’ve made a decision and my pulse is pounding in my throat. The anticipation is killing me.

“I’d like to meet with you in the morning. Does that work with your schedule?”

“That works fine.”

“Great. Let’s say nine o’clock.”

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”

And that’s it. I hang up and frown. It must be good news if he wants to meet me in person, right? If he chose Enzo then he certainly wouldn’t invite me down to his office. But, if he chose me then we would have papers to sign and a lot to go over.

I wonder why he didn’t make it official, though, and just tell me now? Unless he’s still deciding? No, he must’ve chosen me. Poor Enzo. He’s about to get a firsthand lesson in what it feels like to lose.

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