Page 88 of Off-Limits Roomates

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“We just proved that we can squeeze into tight spaces.” Vaughn grunted when she slapped his stomach. “Fine. We’ll buy a giant bed.”

“And whatever else you want.” Fisher grinned. “And maybe those diamond encrusted brass knuckles.”

Ella sighed. “I’d settle for more of this.”





Six Years Later

Traffic was terrible as I tried my best to make it across town in time to watch the kickoff. Fish was starting his third season as a starter for a professional team and each game was just as exciting as the last. Normally, I would’ve already been at the arena, sitting with a few of the other girlfriends or wives as I waited for the game to start but I’d had an interview that morning. Tucker, Foltz, and Williams was a large firm that did a lot of corporate law but they had a small sector that did pro bono work to relieve the public defender’s office. I interviewed for that sector and it’d gone well. I was hoping I’d hear something within the week.

“We’re almost there, Ms. Daughton.” Larry, the driver that Fisher insisted I use, glanced at me through the rearview mirror. “We’ll be there before the kickoff.”

I smiled at him. “Thanks, Larry. I didn’t think the interview would go on so long.”

“That’s a good sign, isn’t it?”

“I hope so.” I ran my hands over my dress and looked up at him. “Do you think this is too much? I’ve had so much free time since passing the bar exam and Fisher’s coach said I was making him fat with all my baking so I switched to sewing. This is a lot, though, right?”

He laughed. “No, ma’am. It’s nice. Have they seen it?”

“No. I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m not a seamstress, though. I’m petrified that I’m going to sit down and bust the seams during the game.” I’d taken some material with the team colors and used it and one of Fish’s old jerseys to make a sundress. I was worried that I looked like a Pinterest fail. “Maybe I should change back into my interview uniform.”

“Don’t do that, Ms. Daughton. I think they’ll like the dress. My wife is a seamstress and you could tell me she made that dress and I’d believe it.”

“You’re sweet, Larry, but I think you might be a liar.” I laughed and looked at my phone. I was going to be cutting it close. I always gave Fish a good luck kiss before each game. I’d never missed one. “Are Vaughn and Booth already there?”

“Yes, ma’am. Vaughn went with Fisher earlier to do some last minute work on his shoulder and Booth went with them.”

Vaughn had left the game to work on the sidelines. He worked as a physical therapist for the team and stuck close by Fish to make sure he didn’t hurt himself. Booth had gone in a different direction. He taught science at a local high school but the students were begging him to coach their losing football team. All three of them had found their way into careers that they loved and it was finally my turn after years of undergrad and law school.

Of course, I was fighting an uphill battle. No matter how much a firm liked me, I knew they were seeing my stomach and debating whether or not I was worth taking a chance on. I was six months pregnant with twins and my baby bump had turned into a baby mountain. We hadn’t planned to get pregnant for another few years but apparently my birth control was only so strong when I was testing it so often. I was excited about our babies, of course, but I planned on going to work as soon as I could. I hadn’t worked so hard to become a lawyer just to give up at the first sign of hardship.

“Almost there, Ms. Daughton.”

I slipped my feet into my matching flats and fluffed my curls. I wanted to look good when I saw my men. It’d been hard to still feel sexy while growing two little beings inside me. The guys were good about showing me how much they liked my body, though. They never stopped touching me. I smiled as I thought of them and how they’d refused to let me out of bed that morning without a handful of orgasms first.

“Alright. Here we are.” Larry parked and tried to get out to open my door.

“Stay inside, Larry. I can get the door myself. Thanks for the ride!” I only struggled a little bit to get out of the car with my belly but I made it.

He’d pulled right up to the back entrance to the locker room. Inside security lines, the entrance was private and it was how I typically got in. Before I could swipe the key card that being Fish’s girlfriend had gotten me, the door swung open.

Booth let out a relieved breath when he saw me. “There you are. How’d it go, baby?”

I swooned as he took me in his arms and kissed me deep. He’d grown his beard out and it was soft against my face thanks to the beard oil he used. I pressed my body into his and groaned when he pulled away. I was in the stage of pregnancy that made me want to hump my guys nonstop. “It went well, I think. They were really nice.”

He took my hand and pulled me towards the locker room. “If they’re smart, they’ll call you back with an offer. They’d be lucky to have you. I like that dress, by the way. It’s highlighting some of my favorite parts of you.”

I struggled to keep up with his long stride and when he noticed, he picked me up. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I can walk, Booth.”

“We’re on a time crunch, baby.”

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