Page 79 of Off-Limits Roomates

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I heard Mom groan in pain. “Someone’s knee is on my boob.”

“Someone’s boob is on my knee.” Paul grunted back at her.

I gave up and just let myself lay there, on top of them. “This is my second human body pile-up and I have to say, I much prefer being on top.”

“That’s what she said?” Fisher let out his own groan of pain. “Sorry. If I don’t joke, I’ll cry. I think my dick is broken. I mean penis. My penis is broken.”

“Shut up, man.” Booth crawled out from the pile and easily scooped me up. “I prefer you on top, too.”

“Hello?! Her mother is right here, big boy!”

“God, no, I just meant… I didn’t mean it like that.” Booth’s face was a nice, deep red.

“Don’t call him big boy like that, Mom. It’s weird.”

“Oh? Is it weird? Well, I’m pretty sure it’s weirder that I have my head nearly up one of your boyfriend’s asses while somehow straddling another of your boyfriend’s dad.” Mom held up a hand. “Get me out of this human centipede in the making, big boy.”

Booth grabbed her and pulled her up. “Yes, ma’am. Sorry about that.”

Vaughn was across Fisher’s back and he rolled over his shoulders and head to get up. Fisher grunted and punched him. It was a calamity of massive proportions. When everyone was back on their feet, I looked around and narrowed my eyes.

“Why was everyone just outside of my bedroom door?”

Mom crossed her arms. “Why was your door closed?”

“I asked you first.”

Fisher surprised me by wrapping his arms around me and picking me up. “You said you love us.”

I groaned. “You guys were spying? What the hell? I expect it from my mother, but et tu, Paul? Fisher? Booth?”

“And I heard that line about you being inside my daughter, Vaughn. Not cool.” Mom slapped his chest and then looked at Paul. “He gets that from you. You always had a filthy mouth, too.”

“Mom!” I pushed away from Fisher and tried to push Mom into her room. “Go to your room, young lady.”

She reversed the move and pushed me into my room. “Nice try. It’s late and we’ve got a big meal to cook tomorrow. I can’t trust you four to not push the rules. Everyone, go to sleep.”

I groaned. “Wait. I need-”

“You don’t need anything. Say goodnight.” Mom pushed me out of the way and shut the door, cutting me off before I could say anything else to the guys.

I sighed and crossed my arms. I’d forgiven the guys and I was ready to spend time with them to make up for the month we’d been apart. Mom wasn’t having any of it, though. I knew her tones well from years of pushing her and I knew she meant business. I also knew that I’d just accidentally told Vaughn that I loved them and I felt an urgent need to make sure it wasn’t too much, too soon.

“I can still hear you breathing next to the door. Get in your bed and go to sleep or I’m not making the green bean casserole tomorrow.” Mom knew my weakness.

“Fine, fine. I’m going.”



Islept like the dead for the first time in a month. When I did wake up, it was close to noon and the house was alive with the sounds of Mom bossing the guys around. I took care of my bathroom needs and brushed my teeth before venturing out to join everyone.

Mom had the guys bent over the kitchen island, picking through a giant mound of pecans. She swung her way over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug when she spotted me. “Good morning, baby. Or should I say good afternoon? How you do feel?”

I stretched and blushed when I saw Vaughn’s eyes drop to my exposed midriff. “I feel good. What are you guys doing?”

“They’re picking out the best pecans.” Mom grinned at me. “For the pecan pie.”

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