Page 56 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Fisher snorted. “She started it.”

Ella gasped. “No, I didn’t! I didn’t. I’m not… I feel like a freak right now. I’m mortified and I think I just want to go home.”

I took a deep breath and walked over to her, edging Booth out of my way. I cupped her face in my hands and waited until she looked up at me. “You’re not a freak. This is fine. No one’s freaking out. I’m calm. Booth and Fish are calm. Okay?”

She hesitated before melting into my chest. “I’m freaking out. Does everyone hate me?”

Booth stroked the back of her head. “Why would we hate you?”

She shot him a look that said he was nuts. “You just caught me having sex with Vaughn. After I had sex with you two. And Vaughn didn’t want me sleeping with y’all again but I did and we did a lot… And I just… I think I’m going to have a heart attack.”

Fisher came over and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. “No one hates you, Ella. It seems like we’ve got some stuff to figure out because none of us seem interested in leaving you alone.”

I looked at my two best friends and the way they were surrounding Ella with the same soothing energy that I was trying to give out. We were all three just trying to comfort her. I blew out a breath that ruffled her hair. “Shit.”

They all looked at me but it was Ella who hesitantly spoke up. “I’m sorry, Vaughn. I don’t know what to say.”

I smiled and pushed her hair behind her ears. “You don’t have anything to apologize for. I was just coming to an understanding with myself. Fisher’s right. We do have some shit to figure out because we all want you. We all care about you.”

Ella’s eyes went even wider. “You don’t have to-”

Fisher cut her off. “He’s right. We care about you, Ella Rae.”

Booth just nodded and shrugged when she looked his way. “I thought it was obvious. The whole virginity thing?”

Fisher and I both nearly broke our necks while snapping our heads around to him. I was tongue-tied so Fisher spoke up first. “I’m sorry. Did you just say virginity?”

Booth’s face went pink. “Uh, yeah…”

Ella transformed in front of our eyes. She stood up straight and planted herself in front of Booth. “If either of you think you’re going to make a big deal out of this, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“I’m not going to make a big deal out of it. I’m just going to say goddamn, because I’ve seen you fuck and I would not have pegged you as a recent virgin.” Fisher shook his head and winced. “Not that I was admiring your skills, or anything. I’m just saying.”

I raised my eyebrows. “I’m disturbed.”

Booth grinned. “Thanks, I think.”

Ella cleared her throat and spotted her panties in my shirt pocket. She tried to grab them but I caught her hand. “I can’t walk out of here with no panties on, Vaughn.”

Fisher smirked. “Sure you can. And since you’re technically my girlfriend, I’ll be in charge of making sure that skirt stays down. My hands will be busy but my heart will be full.”

I elbowed him. “Fuck off.”

“How are those blue balls, by the way? You cock blocked us for months so it’s only fair that we cock blocked you tonight.” He laughed when I cringed. “At least we all got to see Ella come. That’s always worth it.”

I found myself lifting my fist to bump his and Ella smacked both of us in the stomach. I grunted. “Hey. At least I’m not trying to punch anyone.”

“Just give me my panties and take me home. I don’t want to sort this out in someone’s basement.” She reached for her panties again and I caught her arm and spun her into my chest. With her back to my front, she stilled as I cupped her sex. “Vaughn…”

I glanced at Fisher and Booth and saw they were both watching with interest to see what I was going to do. Seeing that they weren’t freaking out, I gently stroked her clit. “I want to hear more about this fantasy of me walking in on you with Booth and Fish, Ella Rae. When we get home we can figure out if your imagination is as good as my reality. But you’re not getting your panties back. This way, as soon as we’re in the truck, I don’t have to take them off again.”

Ella shuddered and let out a quiet moan. “I shouldn’t…”

Booth shifted to stand in front of her. “Says who?”

“If you don’t want this, that’s okay. But it seems like you do. I can feel you getting wetter by the second, Ella.” I inhaled the scent of her hair and smiled. “Let’s go home.”

Fisher pulled Ella into his arms and kissed her. His hands gripped her ass and I forced myself past the instant jealousy. I watched her press her hips into Fisher and saw the way Fisher looked at her when he pulled back. I wasn’t sure if he knew it, but I could see it all over his face that he had big feelings for her. I felt some of the jealousy ease up with that realization. We were all fucked when it came to Ella. She had us in the palm of her hand and I didn’t think she even understood it.

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