Page 53 of Off-Limits Roomates

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I still went to the home games with Natalie and cheered like my life depended on it. I baked them so many cookies that their coach complained about their energy levels after eating so many sweets. I was a part of their lives without really being in their lives in any significant way.

It got harder and harder to sleep in my room, knowing they were all just a short walk away. A short walk to powerful orgasms and being held while I slept. I was ready to start chaining myself to my bed at night to keep myself in my own bed.

I knew that part of me was making it easy for us to never run into each other because I was scared. I didn’t know what it meant for me to have feelings and desires for three men at the same time. I didn’t know what that looked like or how it worked out. I didn’t want to get hurt again. Another part of me knew that it was already October and I would be going home for break soon. After that, it was just a semester more before I went back to Penn. I felt like if I could just wait it out a bit longer, I wouldn’t have to make any decisions.

I’d given up my housing secret to Natalie a while back and she’d been pissed at me at first for not telling her but she’d quickly sensed that my emotions were scattered about my roommates so she didn’t push. Just like I didn’t push her to date the amazing guy working so hard to get her to date him. I respected her privacy about Chris and she respected mine about my roommates. It worked out.

Everything had fallen into a sort of tense peace until Natalie begged me to go to a Halloween party with her on campus. It was massive, apparently, and I just had to go. She’d convinced me to dress up and we’d spent a few hours planning our costumes and buying the stuff for them, just for her to call me the night of and cancel because she’d tripped and sprained her ankle. I felt bad for her but I’d spent half the day getting dressed up for the party and I’d actually gotten excited about going.

The trouble started when I made my way downstairs to find whatever sweets were lying around. I planned on taking it all back up to my room, curling up in bed in my costume, and watching scary movies until I fell asleep. Only, instead of sweets, I found my roommates standing around the island, drinking beer.

I stopped short in the doorway and was deciding how awkward it would be if I just slowly backed away when Fisher looked up and spotted me. His eyes went wide and he choked on his beer.

Booth glanced over next and he just stared for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Shit.”

I didn’t even have to look at Vaughn to know he was staring at me. I cleared my throat and held my skirt out as I curtsied. “Natalie and I were going to a party but she twisted her ankle. We were going as pirates together. Looking for booty. But the booty was candy… Anyway. Now, I’m just going to find some booty here and go back upstairs.”

Fisher coughed a few times before he fully recovered. “Pirates. Sure.”

I looked down at myself and groaned. “I wanted to go for the male pirate costume but they didn’t have my size. Apparently costume makers think that female pirates were…a little scandalous.”

I felt their eyes on my costume, or the lack thereof, and blushed. The skirt I had on barely covered my ass, the corset top had my chest all but exploding out of the top, and the knee high boots made me feel less like a pirate and more like a lady of the night. It’d seemed okay when Natalie was in a matching costume next to me. We were going to be skanky pirate ladies together. Alone, I just felt like a joke.

Vaughn finally broke the silence. “We’re going to a party at a house on campus. You can come with us.”

I laughed because I just assumed he was joking but when I looked at him, he seemed serious. I gestured at myself and shook my head. “No. No, I can’t. This outfit was acceptable when Natalie was going to look just like me but I can’t go out in this without her.”

“You can.” Booth had recovered enough to smile. “You’ll be with us.”

I hesitated. “It’s really okay. I’ll be fine here.”

Fisher clapped his hands. “You’re going with us. It’s final. Are you ready or do you have a bottle of rum or a chest of treasure to grab before we leave?”

I glared at him. “I hate you.”

He smirked, back to himself. “Liar. Come on, pirate wench. To the booty we go!”

Vaughn smacked him in the arm but laughed. “You should get a jacket. It’s cold out there.”

I scoffed. “If I’m doing this, I’m doing it. No jacket is going to ruin my look. I’ll be fine.”

“Famous last words.” He walked over to me and straightened my pirate hat while sneaking a look at my cleavage. “Cute.”

I brushed his hands away and hurried to the stairs. “I do have to get one thing upstairs. I’ll be right back.”

When I came back down with a fake sword thrown over my shoulder, they all laughed. I pointed it at each of them as a warning before grinning and following them out of the house. I broke out in goosebumps immediately and shot a look at Vaughn to see he was staring at me with a smirk on his face.

“Want to go get a jacket now?”

I pushed my shoulders back and tipped my chin higher. “Nope. I’m great.”

“You can have mine if you get cold later.” Booth stopped at his truck and opened the back door for me. “Need help?”

“I’m a pirate, sir. I can do it by myself.” I studied the large gap between the ground and the inside of his truck and tried to sort out a plan but he grabbed me from behind and put me inside before I could figure it out. I drew the line at him buckling me in and slapped his hands away. “Don’t even try it.”

Vaughn slid into the backseat next to me and scooted to the middle of the bench seat to lean forward and talk to the other guys. I felt his hand on my knee right away, though, and a surge of adrenaline flooded my body. I stared at him in the dark truck but he didn’t look back at me. His hand did slide higher on my inner thigh, though.

I put my hand over his to slow his climb and he shocked me by interlacing our fingers. I was dumbfounded and sat there like an idiot, staring at our hands. Vaughn was holding my hand. I was holding his hand.

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