Page 48 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Her screams were of pure joy.

Talking through her screams, I pressed on. “I just need to know. Is it okay? What I’m feeling, what I want… Am I messed up?”

“Messed up? No, you’re not messed up! You’re living your best life finally, baby!” I heard a door closing on her end and when she spoke again, I would’ve sworn her voice sounded a little watery. “Baby, this is amazing. You’re coming into your sexual nature and I’m so proud of you. I know I joke a lot but the power you can feel from taking charge of your sex life is huge, Ella. Letting go of expectations that have been forced on you by one very uptight society is the best version of freedom.”

I sniffed and fanned at my eyes to keep from crying. “Not all moms would be so cool with this… Thank you.”

“Okay, so let’s talk logistics. Taking two men isn’t easy, if the men are any good. You’re going to want-”

“Mom?” I cut her off. “I still don’t want to talk details. I just wanted to know that it’s okay, I guess.”

“Oh, boo.” She laughed happily. “It’s more than okay, Ella Rae. Are you sure you don’t want some tips?”

“Positive. I love you, Mom. Go back to your date.”

“You’ve inspired me. I think I’ll have Carl call his brother.” She heard me gag and cackled. “There’s my uptight baby! I love you!”



After the longest day of my life, I spent a solid two hours preparing for my secret meeting with Booth and Fisher. I shaved every part of my body I could reach, lotioned, curled my hair, and even put on makeup. I wore an oversized t-shirt with nothing on under it. No one was finding my panties that time. After I was ready, I paced my bedroom floor and did my best to push down whatever nerves tried to pop up. I was embracing my sexual side, like Mom said.

I was pretty sure most women didn’t get pep talks from their moms before sex but Mom had really helped. I’d just needed to know that she wouldn’t balk at what I was doing. If she wasn’t horrified by me, then I was okay.

I’d spent two weeks sad and overrun with thoughts about sex with the guys. I’d convinced myself that it was never going to happen again and I’d tried to accept it. I’d also spent two weeks doing my best not to think about Vaughn. That was another story, though.

When someone knocked on my door, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I rushed to it and pulled it open, just to see Vaughn standing on the other side. I watched his eyes move from my head to my toes before moving back up slowly. By the time he met my gaze, I was bright red. “Um, hi.”

He stared at me and I could see the wheels turning in his mind. “Going somewhere?”

I forced a laugh and pulled the hem of my shirt lower. “I’m in my pajamas.”

“Your hair and makeup are done.” He checked his watch and growled. “I have to go. I have this dinner thing with the coach’s family. He does it with every member of the team and it’s my turn. This shit goes on for hours. I won’t be back until late.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

I could tell that he wanted to say more but he hesitated. He glanced down the hallway and shook his head. “Put some pants on if you go downstairs, Cinderella.”

“Yes, Dad.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “I have heartburn now. I never had heartburn before you moved in.”

“You’re getting older, Vaughn. That kind of thing happens.” I realized I was pushing him into a fight and forced myself to stop with the sass. “I’ll put on pants if I go downstairs, Vaughn. Go to your dinner and have fun.”

He continued to stare at me for a few more seconds before swearing and walking away. I watched him go and pushed my guilt away. As soon as the front door slammed shut, both Booth and Fisher’s bedroom doors swung open. I almost laughed as both of them stuck their heads out at the same time.

I didn’t wait for an invitation. I ran across the hall into Fisher’s room and climbed onto his bed. I was kneeling in the middle of it before I’d even looked around to notice that he’d set up mood lighting and music. Booth was inside almost as fast as I was and then Fisher had the door shut and locked.

A wave of nerves struck me but I pushed those right down with the guilt. “So.”

Booth ate up the distance between us with a few long strides and then he was tugging me off the bed and into his arms. His kiss was rough and hungry as his hands roamed my body. When he stroked one of them up my thigh and found no other material waiting to block him, he groaned and pulled back. “You’re not wearing any panties.”

Fisher pressed into me from behind. “You seem a little excited, Ella.”

Booth cupped my sex and grinned when I moaned. “She’s very excited. Her excitement is practically running down her thighs.”

Their confidence in touching me together was through the roof. Their hesitation was gone as they did what they wanted to my body. Fisher cupped my breasts and kissed my neck while Booth gathered my wetness on his fingers and then pushed two of them inside me. I dropped my head back on Fisher’s shoulder and moaned.

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