Page 43 of Off-Limits Roomates

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I groaned when he stepped away from me and had to reach down to pull my mangled underwear back into place. “Sorry for staying or for being there in the first place? Or for leaving…a mess…”

He tucked himself back into his pants and shook his head. “Definitely for the last one. Are you on anything?”

I nodded. “No one’s ever tested it before now, though.”

His eyebrows climbed his forehead. “Oh?”

“Shut up, Vaughn.”

He grinned and ran his hands through his hair, fixing it. “So you’re telling me that I shouldn’t feel special that I’m the only guy to ever come in you?”

I slapped his arm and tried to fix my clothes. “How did I get here? And why are you so happy with me now? You wanted to rip my head off when you first came in.”

He tilted his head. “Are you seriously asking me why I’m happy after I just had a great fuck?”

Hearing him call it great made me blush. “I guess I was. That was dumb. You didn’t answer my first two questions about being sorry, by the way.”

“Are you going to be weird if I say I’m not sorry for it happening?” He rubbed his jaw and leaned against the table. “I mean, I know it’s not going to happen again but I can’t say I’m sorry. What about you?”

I nodded. “Kinda the same. I’m glad we’re not yelling at each other anymore.”

“Aw. I thought you liked fighting with me.” He sobered up after a minute and looked around the small room we were in. “I don’t know how quiet we were. I don’t want people getting the wrong idea about you.”

Nerves bubbled up inside me. “That I let my ex-stepbrother fuck me against a door?”

He groaned. “That you’re a cheater. Everyone thinks you’re with Fish.”

I covered my face with my hands and groaned. “Oh, yeah. That.”

“No one’s going to find out about us because we’re never going to do this again. Right?”

I nodded quickly. “Definitely not. There are some lines that are just out of bounds.”

“Like my friends.”

I winced. “Vaughn…”

“I’m serious about it, Ella Rae. I don’t want you sleeping with my friends.” He frowned at me. “I’m still pissed that you slept with Booth.”

I shifted and felt some of his mess slowly leaking out of me. “Oh, god, Vaughn. I have to go home and take care of this. It’s coming out.”

He looked confused until I pointed at my crotch. “Oh. Oh! Okay, yeah, let’s get you home.”

“Stop smirking, asshole.”

“Sorry. It’s just…” He grunted. “Nothing.”

I blew out a deep breath. “How do I get out of here without anyone knowing what we did in here or your mess leaking down my thighs?”

Groaning, he walked around to grab my backpack where I’d dropped it. “You have to stop talking about it, Ella. You’re killing me.”

I saw that his pants were bulging and gasped. “Vaughn!”

“What? I’m a man. It’s in our biology to like it!”

I pulled out a chair and sank into it. “We can’t go out with you like that. And we agreed this is never happening again, so you need to not like it.”

He sat across from me and we both just stared at each other for a few seconds before he stood up. “Nope. I can’t just sit here and not think about it. I’m going to make sure no one’s watching and we’re getting the fuck out of here.”

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