Page 36 of Off-Limits Roomates

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He caught my hand and laced his fingers through mine. “You’re talking to the wrong guy if you think I’m going to think less of you because you slept with Booth. My first three years on this campus were spent sleeping with-”

“That’s okay, Fisher. I don’t need to hear that.”

“Well, well, well. Feeling territorial, Ella?” He laughed at the sour look I gave him. “My point is that sleeping with two guys doesn’t make you a bad person. You’re making up for lost time while you were dating that dickhead Billy. Or maybe Booth and I have just mastered the art of seduction and you can’t handle us.”

Wincing, I rolled my lips into my mouth.


“I seriously think you both cast a spell on me, or something. I’ve never been like this. With Billy, I could go weeks without caring about sex.”

“I don’t want to think about you having sex with him.” Fisher read my expression and cut me off. “Yes, Ella, I am feeling territorial.”

I raised my eyebrows and searched his face for any sign that he was messing with me. “You are?”

He gripped the back of my neck and pulled my face close to his. “Yes, I am. And before you ask, I still don’t know what any of this means. For now, that doesn’t matter. You’re my girlfriend and everyone on this campus knows it.”

“Fake girlfriend.”

“Whatever you say.” Kissing me, he ran his hand down my neck and over my shoulder. His fingers were rough against my sensitive skin and when his lips followed his fingers, I tipped my head for him and let out a small moan. He sat back and groaned. “You have no idea how much those little sounds drive me crazy.”

The campus bell began to ring, signaling the start of a new hour. It was enough to drag me out of my Fisher haze. I moved a safe distance away from him, so I wouldn’t be lured back into his arms, and glanced around. The quad had filled up with students enjoying the pretty weather. I blushed when I realized that I’d just moaned for Fisher in public, where a lot of people could hear. Vaughn would have a field day with that little bit of information.

Thinking of him made my heart beat faster. I looked up and saw that Fisher was still watching me. “What about Vaughn?”

His face twisted in annoyance. “You’re a grown woman, Ella. He’s pretending to do the big brother thing but I know that’s not the real reason he’s trying to keep everyone away from you. I wouldn’t normally do anything that could hurt our friendship, but I like you.”

“You like me?” I grinned. That was so sweet. “Wait. Why do you think he’s doing it?”

Fisher stood up and offered me his hand. “You’re a smart girl, Ella. I think you know.”



“Watch out! You’re going to ruin our streak!” I leaned forward on the couch and slapped Fisher’s shoulder. “Go!”

“You’re stressing me out! If I lose, it’s your fault!” He jammed at the controller for all he was worth. “My fingers are too damn big for this!”

Booth scoffed. “Fuck off with that. If I can do it, so can you.”

I jumped off the couch when Fisher died in the game and stood in front of him with a disappointed look on my face. “You had one job. How the hell did you manage to lose? Now we have to start over and you saw how hard that first boss was.”

He tugged me to the floor next to him and covered my mouth with his hand. “Do you hear anything, Booth?”

I bit his hand and laughed when he let me go. “You’re stronger but I’m smarter.”

“Or mouthier.” Fisher saw my hand coming his way and caught it. “Definitely mouthier.”

“I’m going to get another drink. You should spend some time thinking about what you did.” I stood up and nodded at Booth. “Make sure he’s feeling guilty for killing us.”

Their laughter followed me to the kitchen as I pulled out the pitcher of sangria we’d made earlier. It was all for me since the guys thought wine was gross. They were sticking to beer. They’d won another game that morning and we were celebrating their win. Vaughn thought they were crazy for staying in since he was going to what he called ‘the biggest party of the year’. Crazy, or not, they’d stayed in with me and we were having a blast. We’d played a bunch of games and even watched a few episodes of a show Booth liked. Dinner was pizza ordered in and dessert was a pie I’d baked for their win. I’d even put their numbers on the crust and I’d made it the day before since I knew they’d win.

I grabbed them two more beers and made my way back into the living room. They’d apparently made an executive decision and the game had been turned off for a football game. I settled on the couch between them and huffed. “That’ll teach me to be a good errand girl.”

“This is supposed to be a good game. We play Georgia in three weeks. Consider this homework.” Fisher took his beer from me and tapped it against Booth’s. “Go Crocs.”

I tried to pay attention to the game but I just didn’t care about it if I wasn’t watching the guys play. I decided it was a good time to call Mom. “I’ll be upstairs. I’m going to call my mom.”

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