Page 31 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Booth grabbed Fisher’s leg and dropped him to the floor. “Cookies would be amazing.”

Rolling my eyes, I stepped out of the way as they both ended up on the floor, wrestling with each other. “If you both get up and act even remotely like adults, I’ll make cookies.”

Booth caught my leg and pulled me down on top of them. He laughed until I bit his leg. “Shit! You can’t bite me.”

“Little Vampire is back.” Fisher didn’t think his comment was so cute when I elbowed him in the thigh. “Whoa! Watch the family jewels.”

I climbed back to my feet and hurriedly got out of their arm’s reach. “I’m going to make cookies and save them just for Vaughn. That’ll show you.”

A chorus of complaining went up as I blew a very mature raspberry at them and walked out of the room. I was just pulling butter from the fridge when Fisher appeared in the kitchen, a serious look on his face.

“You two seem cozy.” He saw me start to say something and held up his hands. “I’m not going to stop you if you want something with him. I just can’t promise I’m not going to keep trying for myself.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing, Fisher.”

His smile was full of dark promises. “You’re sampling. I’m okay with it. I have faith in my skills. You’ll be back.”

Booth walked in and shoved Fisher out of the way. “Okay, wise one. Teach us your pasta ways.”

I swallowed down my nerves and nodded. “Yep. My pasta ways. No problem.”



“We’re going to Larry’s to celebrate. You coming?” Vaughn ran a towel through his hair to dry it. “After the work you put in tonight, you should.”

I looked down at my duffel bag and pretended to search through it. I couldn’t look him in the eye while lying. “I think I’m just going to head home. My head is killing me.”

Fisher slapped my back. “Shit, man. A beer might help.”

“I’m good. Celebrate for me.” I zipped my bag shut and threw it over my shoulder. “Are y’all going out to that party at Big Bill’s after?”

Vaughn nodded. “I think so. Fish won’t commit to anything yet but if he thinks I’m leaving him home alone with Ella, he’s crazy.”

“You’re leaving Booth alone with her. How’s that fair?” Fisher made himself busy adjusting his watch. It seemed that he, too, was having trouble facing our best friend while hiding things.

“Booth’s harmless.” Rethinking his statement, Vaughn grunted. “Harmless isn’t the right word. I’ve just never seen you go after anyone, Booth.”

“As much as I love this conversation, I’m going home.” I bumped fists with both of them. “Good game.”

I had to make nice and talk with a few more guys on the team before I escaped the locker room and made it to my truck. I tossed my bag in the passenger seat and drove home in silence. My thoughts were loud enough.

I knew what I was doing was wrong. I wasn’t normally the type to go against his friends’ wishes. There was something about Ella that fucked with my head. I didn’t care that she’d slept with Fisher. I didn’t care enough that it would infuriate Vaughn if he found out. I hadn’t slept a full night since she moved in without being interrupted by filthy dreams of her. Almost losing my control in the gym had shown me just how much I wanted to go for what I wanted. Consequences be damned.

Ella hadn’t gone to the game that night because her friend was sick and she said she had a lot of homework. I’d missed seeing her in the stands but I was glad that she was already home and waiting for me. Even if she didn’t realize that she was waiting for me.

I let myself in and locked the door behind me. Taking the stairs two at a time, I raised my fist to knock on her door as she pulled it open. She gasped when she saw me and then grinned. I caught her as she threw herself into my arms.

“You did amazing! I was coming out to see which one of you was home. I’m glad it’s you, though. I saw that play you made where you hit the other quarterback. It was so good! Everyone was freaking out about it. The announcers read off all of your stats and everything!”

I moved us farther into her room and closed the door behind me. “Ella.”

She went still as she pulled back and met my gaze. “Booth?”

“There’s only one thing I want to celebrate with tonight.”

Her eyes dropped to my mouth and I felt her tighten her arms and legs around me. “What do you want?”

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