Page 20 of Off-Limits Roomates

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I held up my hands. “Sure.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Do you know that he took me to a candlelit dinner? He planned the whole stupid thing with some friends and it was all romantic and shit.”

I rolled my lips into my mouth and raised my eyebrows. I was confused about which way I was supposed to react so I just waited.

“He said all this mushy crap about wanting to date me and he didn’t even try to feel me up. What the hell is that about?” She flipped off his back and turned her glare towards the play on the field. “He doesn’t even know me. It’s honestly so dumb.”

I saw Chris turn towards the stands and watched him lift his camera in our direction. He looked through his lens for a moment and then looked up at Natalie. Despite how angry Natalie was towards him, his smile wasn’t the smile of a man ready to give up. I waved at him and he waved back before going back to work.

“Was he just looking over here? What did he do?” She sat up straighter and adjusted her clothes.

“Okay, Natalie. I don’t want to be rude but what the hell is wrong with you? You’re primping for him right now! While telling me how he took you on a really nice date and was a gentleman the whole time. Why are you mad? I don’t get it.”

I heard the announcer call out Booth’s name and watched as his teammates slapped him on the back. Frustrated that I’d missed his big play, I frowned. He got called out less often than Fisher or Vaughn, because of his position. I stood up and cheered, forgetting that no one else knew why I’d be so happy for Booth. It didn’t matter when I saw him glance up at me. His helmet and face guard couldn’t hide his grin as he waved to me.

“When did you become besties with half the football team?” Natalie sighed. “And I’m not mad. I’m just… I’m too young for a serious relationship and Chris is a serious relationship guy. Last year, I was going to let him fuck me but he wanted to take me out first. He likes me, Ella, and he won’t just tell me to jump off a cliff, no matter what I do.”

“I gave up my dream college to follow my boyfriend here so I don’t really understand the hesitation. Who cares about the timing? Yeah, you’re young, but it’s not like dating someone ends your entire life.” I shrugged. “He’s really nice, Natalie. If you just don’t like him, though, tell him.”

She bit her lip. “I do like him. It’s just too fast.”

We spent the rest of the game splitting our attention between the game and each other. It was clear that our team was going to win by a landslide but it was still electric. After the last play of the game, I stood up, prepared to join the mass of people leaving the stadium.

“Whoa.” Natalie’s surprised voice had me turning to see what she was looking at.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw what she, and a lot of other people, were seeing. Fisher had jumped up and pulled himself over the railing. Big, sweaty, and hotter than anything I’d ever seen, he was laser focused on me. He jumped over a row of seats to go around a group of people and then he stepped back down right in front of me.

His skin was flushed and his war paint was streaking down his cheeks but his deep green eyes were narrowed on my mouth in a way that made me forget how dirty he was. He picked me up with two handfuls of my ass and took my mouth in a heated kiss that was somehow even better than the first one.

As cheers went up around us, I pulled away from his kiss and buried my face in his neck. My body hadn’t got the memo about the relationship being fake. It was throbbing with need in a way I’d never felt. The suddenness of his attention had my brain spinning.

He patted my ass as he put me down. Pressing his forehead to mine, he grinned. “I like this girlfriend thing. Turns out I’m a celebratory kiss kind of guy.”

I patted his chest and tried to level out my breathing. “Yeah, you are. I… Wow.”

He cupped my face and tilted it up to his so he could kiss my mouth with light, teasing touches that somehow turned me on just as much as the intense kisses. “You’re going to smell like me now.”

I blinked up at him and then swallowed. “Oh?”

“I like it.” Dropping one more kiss on my mouth, he slowly backed away, nearly running Natalie over. “I’ll see you at home?”

I smiled like an idiot and nodded. “Yeah, of course.”

With a final wink, he turned and jogged away. I watched him until he ran past Vaughn and then Vaughn’s dark expression stole my attention. My stomach sank as he shook his head and turned away.

“Home?” Natalie patted her chest. “God, that was hot.”




“That sure as hell didn’t look fake.” Vaughn scowled at me as he leaned over and thrust his passenger door open. “Get in, Ella.”

I’d been walking home in the dark to cool off after that kiss but after creeping myself out, a ride sounded great. Even if it was with Vaughn. I climbed in and he waited until I had my seatbelt on to pull away from the curb. “I don’t know what to tell you, Vaughn. It was fake.”

“Bullshit. I know Fisher. He’s not that nice. Billy was nowhere around tonight and he still had to put on that giant show? I asked you for one thing. Don’t fuck my friends. Is it that hard to do?”

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