Page 19 of Off-Limits Roomates

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The fact that Fisher had never had a girlfriend was mind-boggling because he was a great fake boyfriend. Better than great. He made my relationship with Billy look like nothing. That first day he walked me to class and then was there to pick me up afterwards. He opened doors for me and carried my backpack, like a perfect gentleman. The only place he dropped the gentleman act was when he touched me. His touches didn’t feel gentlemanly, or fake. His large hands touched my body like it was his. And that kiss… That kiss played across my brain a thousand times. It was the best kiss I’d ever had. I’d been in love with Billy and his kisses had never felt like that.

Of course, with all the fake relationship fun came Vaughn’s wrath. I was in my room, trying to get some work done when all I could think about was the kiss, when I heard him shouting. I knew right away that he was yelling at Fisher. Since it was my fault that Fisher was cast in the role of my fake boyfriend, I rushed out of my room and found them inside Fisher’s room.

“Imagine if your ex-step sister showed up here, Fish! It’s fucking weird! There are thousands of women on this campus, asshole! Go fuck one of them.” Vaughn growled out a frustrated breath. “If there are any you haven’t fucked already since I know you don’t normally do seconds. And you’re shocked that I wouldn’t want you touching Ella!”

“Vaughn!” I crossed my arms over my chest as both of them turned to me. “You’re being an asshole to your best friend for no reason. It’s my fault that Fisher ended up in this position.”

“How the fuck is it your fault?”

“He was there and Billy showed up and I panicked. I just said that Fisher was my boyfriend. He was nice enough not to humiliate me in front of my ex. You should be thanking him for being there for me, not screaming at him.” I looked at Fisher. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve to be yelled at.”

Vaughn turned his glare back to Fisher. “It’s not real? Are you fucking serious, Fisher? Why didn’t you just say that?”

Fisher smirked. “You didn’t give me the chance, dickhead.”

“You should apologize to him.”

Vaughn gaped at me. “What?”

I nodded. “Yeah, you should apologize for shouting at him like that. You’ve been a jerk to your friends since I got here and it’s not fair. They’ve been nothing but nice to me. Fisher saved me today. Instead of doing whatever you’re doing to keep me single and sex-starved, you should be thanking him for not letting me fall flat on my face earlier. Now apologize.”

His jaw muscles worked as he clenched his teeth. “Ella Rae…”

I dropped my hands to my hips and narrowed my eyes. “I’m not moving from this spot until you do.”

He growled. “You think I can’t move you?”

“And have me experience the male touch? Oh, no! That’s too scandalous.”

“God, you’re still a pain in the ass.” He turned to Fisher. “I’m sorry. I should’ve given you a chance to explain. I still don’t fucking like it, though.”

I flashed a grin at Fisher and dusted my hands together. “My work here is done. Now, keep it down. I’m trying to work.”

“You’re working? What are you doing?” Vaughn’s strangled voice matched Fisher’s startled expression. “What kind of work are you doing in your room at this time of night?”

I sent them both a blank stare. They couldn’t be serious. “I’m selling myself through the world wide web, of course.”

Vaughn’s face turned a shade of red so dark that I worried for his health. Fisher wasn’t much better.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m doing homework, idiots.”

Fisher sat down on his bed and patted his chest. “Don’t scare us like that.”

“I would’ve called your mother so fast.” Vaughn shook his head. “I’m not going to be responsible for your downfall.”

“Although, I would consider selling my feet pics if it meant not taking on so much debt.” I left them with that.

After understanding that it was fake, Vaughn seemed to relax the tiniest bit. For the next week, when Fisher drove me to campus and walked me to class, Vaughn kept his mouth shut. He put his foot down about Fisher bringing me to the library for our tutoring sessions, though. I figured he was sensitive about having me tutor him so I went with it. I also figured Fisher might want a break from me.

They had another home game that weekend and since the entire campus thought I was dating Fisher, he insisted that Natalie and I sit in the seats he chose for us. We ended up being front and center, right behind the fifty-yard line. I even knew what that meant after spending so much time with Natalie.

Natalie was so excited about the seats that she barely grilled me about my sudden relationship with Fisher. She was also too busy glaring at Chris. He was busy taking photos and she huffed at his back so much that I finally asked about it.

“Did you go on your dates?”

She shot me a look that could’ve melted steel. “Don’t even mention those stupid dates.”

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