Page 17 of Off-Limits Roomates

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Ella’s playfulness vanished in less than a second. Coming towards us was her ex, Billy Novak, with a curious look on his face. I tensed and rested my hand on Ella’s back without a second thought. I told myself I was being protective, the same way Vaughn would’ve been.

“Ella. Hey. I’ve been trying to call you.” He looked her over and smiled. “You look really good.”

Ella wrapped her arms around herself and leaned closer to me. “I’ve been busy.”

“Do you think we could talk? I have a lot I need to say.” He was doing his best to look earnest and innocent, I could tell. “A lot to apologize for.”

Ella looked up at me and I could see the panic swirling behind her eyes. I was getting ready to step in and tell Billy to get fucked when Ella turned back to him. “I have a boyfriend now so I don’t think that’s a good idea. Sorry.”

Billy looked up at me and then back at Ella. “You’re dating Fisher.”

I didn’t like the incredulous tone in his voice. I also didn’t like the way Ella’s entire body had tensed. I didn’t need to think about what I did next to know it was right. I wrapped my arm around Ella and pulled her into my chest. Sending my cockiest smirk towards Billy, I pressed my lips to the side of Ella’s head. She smelled so damn good that I almost got distracted.

“She’s dating Fisher.”



Ireveled in how stupid he looked, standing there, unsure of what to do with himself. “Who are you?”

Ella tipped her face up to mine. “Just an ex. We should go.”

Her full mouth was rosy and looked so plush that I didn’t want to deny myself the chance to taste her. I didn’t even bother lying to myself to say that I was doing it to hurt her cheating ex. Cupping her face, I slid my hand into her hair and held her gaze as I lowered my mouth towards hers. When I saw that she wasn’t going to pull back, I softly kissed her, still worried about scaring her. With the way she could banter back and forth with me, I should’ve known she wasn’t going to faint from a simple kiss.

Ella fisted my shirt and pulled me closer. She parted her lips and caught my bottom lip between hers before pulling back just enough for our breath to rush out. That second of space felt cavernous and I gripped her hair to pull her back. That time, I knew what she could handle and I felt her body soften into mine when I kissed her deeper. The feel of her tongue against my lips set fire to any sense and control I might’ve had left.

Sliding my hand down her back, I cupped her ass and pulled her against my body as flush as I could get her. I slid my tongue over hers and groaned when she gripped my sides and shifted her hips against mine. I gripped her ass harder and felt her moan against my lips.

“Get a room!”

Ella pulled back with a gasp but I wrapped my arms around her and held her steady before she could jerk away and give away the fact that we’d just had our first kiss.

“We’re good. All good, Ella.” I glanced around and saw that we’d gotten some attention but Billy had fucked off. I leaned down so I could whisper against her ear. “He’s gone.”

She groaned against my chest. “Um. We put on a great show, right? Good job acting, Fisher. If football doesn’t work out, you can fall back on being the next heartthrob in Hollywood. Me, too. I mean, I wouldn’t be a heartthrob, of course. Wow. Good job.”

I studied her swollen lips and blown out pupils and knew that she’d been just as into that kiss as me. I was just thrown off enough to not deny that it was all an act. “I don’t think he’s going to bother you again.”

She untangled herself from my hold and took a step back. Glancing around, she noticed that we’d had an audience and palmed her face. “Oh, my god. I just announced that we’re dating. I’m so sorry, Fisher. People saw us and… Do you think people are going to talk about this?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Big time.”

“Oh, no. I’m really, really sorry. I didn’t mean to make people think we were dating, Fisher. I just panicked.”

I took her hand and walked with her towards the cafeteria. When she shot a curious look my way, I winked at her. “We’re dating now, doll. Didn’t you hear?”

“Fisher, you don’t actually have to do this. I don’t care if Billy finds out I was lying. I don’t care about him at all.” She tried to pull her hand away but I tightened my grip. “I’m serious, Fisher. I don’t want to cramp your style around campus.”

“My style around campus?”

“You know… With the ladies?”

I laughed out loud and had to stop walking while I regained my composure. “With the ladies? Really?”

Her cheeks flamed. “You know what I mean. If people think you’re dating me, you won’t be able to…you know. Unless you would cheat on your fake girlfriend. If you’re that type of fake boyfriend, we should end it now, though. Being cheated on once this year was enough. Fake, or not.”

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