Page 111 of Heartless

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“You’re mine, too, Nic. Always have been…always will be.”

He kissed her softly and said, “What about you? When did you know?”

“Same night, of course. But it was your sexy drawl that got me. Drew me in like a magnet.”

“Wait. My drawl? I was using a British accent at the time.”

Her soft laughter sent shivers through him, spreading warmth to every region of his body.

“Your accent was almost perfect, my darling, but I heard a slight Texas drawl, and it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.”

“Oh yeah? How about this?” Crawling on top of her body, Hawke proceeded to growl every sexy, dirty, enticing thing he could think of.

“Okay, okay. I surrender. This is ten times sexier.”

Cutting off her laughter with his mouth, he proceeded to show her that he could do more than just speak the words. Deeds were so much better than words anyway.

* * *

Curled up in his lap, her head on his shoulder, Olivia had never known peace such as this. Every muscle in her body was languid. Every fiber of her being felt alive and sated. She had loved this man for a long time, and these days together had reminded her why they’d been so happy for that short period of time after they were first married. Their every intent had been on making the other one happy. That had been their primary focus. It wasn’t until they’d allowed other things to interfere that the trouble had begun.

Here, now, it was just the two of them. Nothing intruded. Nothing prevented them from giving each other their undivided attention. Maybe it wasn’t real life, but for now, it was exactly what they both needed.

She had no idea if Nic knew she was ovulating. Her cycle was as accurate as Big Ben. She knew she could very well be pregnant already. They hadn’t talked about the possibility. There was no need. They were both adults. Both knew where unprotected sex could lead.

She wanted his baby. And he was doing his best to give her what she wanted. She knew nothing had changed for him. Not really. He still didn’t want children. It was what they had agreed to before they were married. He had been adamant, and so had she, about not wanting children. After her childhood and then seeing the evils in the world, the last thing she’d wanted to do was bring an innocent child into it.

Not once had she ever anticipated that she would change her mind. Until she had.

Nic never had. She doubted he ever would. That was no longer a problem. If she were blessed with a baby, she would raise their child with all the love she had inside her. She would tell her child about Nic, about what a wonderful man he was and how he was out making the world a safer place for them all. Her child would never wonder if he or she was loved or wanted.

Nic shifted, and she stretched with an answering groan. They were both gloriously nude. When the time came to wear clothes again, she was sure they would feel confining and uncomfortable. For almost ten days, she had been running around naked without the slightest degree of embarrassment. Nic made her feel safe and loved—and so very, very happy.

Long fingers combed through her hair and then smoothed it down, petting her. He was always touching her, caressing her. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her, as if he wanted to create memories that would last a lifetime. Just like she did.

This couldn’t last. They had only a few days left, and though they hadn’t talked about the future, she knew it was on his mind, as it was on hers. Living in the now could last only so long.

“You’ve grown pensive. What’s on that beautiful mind of yours?”

She looked up at him, loving him with everything in her heart, soul, and mind. If she told him the truth, the idyllic days would be over. They wouldn’t argue, there would be no harsh words, because nothing had changed. But the bubble they were living in would pop. There was no way she would destroy their paradise when they still had a few days to revel in it.

“I was thinking about getting a tattoo.”

At first, there was surprise and then intrigue. His eyes glinted with heat. “Is that right?”

Adjusting her position, she straddled his hips and lowered herself onto him. He slid inside her, and she sighed at the delicious sting of his entry. Biting his earlobe, she whispered, “Where do you think it should go?”

“Umm, I don’t know.” He grabbed her bottom and squeezed. “However, I’m particularly fond of this part of your anatomy.”

“Yes, so I’ve noticed.” She rose up slowly and then dropped again, the lovely, hot friction making her swoon with delight. “Why don’t you show me what else you’re fond of?”

“With pleasure.” Surprising her, he grabbed hold of her butt to keep them connected and stood. Walking over to the bed, they bounced on it together, and he demonstrated in a most delicious way what his favorite parts were.

Three days later

The whomp-whomp of whirring helicopter blades woke him. Instantly alert, he glanced over at the empty place beside him, and his heart dropped. Livvy was gone. He wasn’t surprised. Their time together was over, and she hated goodbyes. Especially ones where there would be only tears and pain. She had made the smart choice and left before that happened.

He spotted an envelope on the dresser across from him. His name was scribbled in Livvy’s stylish and distinctive handwriting.

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