Page 57 of Forbidden Desire

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“How about tonight?” May asked as they were leaving the hospital together.

“How about tonight, what?” Jo mumbled. To her relief, Ali had the past couple of days off, so she didn’t have to worry about running into her, but still there was this hole that hadn’t been repaired.

“A group of us are going out and I think you should join us?”

Jo snickered. “Well, I think I would only bring the mood down.”

“Jo, seriously? You need to get out and do something.”

Jo shrugged. “I was going to the other day, but you needed to get in bed.”

May rolled her eyes. “And we both know that was a tactic you were using to prove you’re alright. Well, no one is buying it.” Jo frowned. “I’m just being serious. Maybe you’ve fooled Ali, but this chick doesn’t believe that you’re fine. I know you too well to believe that.”

Jo sighed and rolled her eyes. “I have to get out of this funk, and I will. Trust me, I will. But tonight isn’t that night. I don’t know how long it takes you to mend a broken heart, but I know it isn’t just a couple of weeks.” Jo stopped at May’s car. “You go out and have a good time. You deserve it. I’ll stay with Maverick and just relish in our time together.” Jo waved, despite May’s scowl and hurried off to the train. If she would have stayed around much longer, then May would have probably convinced her to go, and she wasn’t ready to take that chance.

Jo took a bite of her pizza and leaned back in the booth. Another day of eating lunch alone. She would have expected by now to get used to it. She hadn’t been on the same shift as May and there wasn’t anyone else that she really felt the desire to eat with. Across the room, she had seen Nolan and Ali eating. They were laughing and carrying on when she hurried past their table twenty minutes earlier. It was another awkward situation she had to push past, but she was getting there. Slowly, but surely.

As she finished her pizza, she grabbed her trash to get up, when she spotted Ali. She was hurrying in her direction. Jo looked over her shoulder to find who she was actually going towards, but there was no one there. It was definitely clear she was heading towards her.

“Jo!” she cried. Jo stared, unsure if she could make out her expression. “Come with me, quick. It’s Vincent.”

Jo’s jaw dropped and it felt like she was punched in the gut. She tossed her trash and hurried out the door with Ali. She started for the elevator, but Ali grabbed her arm and shook her head and pulled her towards the back door.

“What? I don’t understand! He’s out…” Her words fell off when she saw his mom and him standing there, along with a Golden Retriever. He was tossing the toy, and the dog was running after it. “Vincent?”

He turned and there was a huge smile on his face. “Jo!” He ran to her and threw his arms around her. She hugged him, so confused as to what he was doing there. She looked over to Ali, who beamed and nodded. In fact, she thought she saw a tear in her eye.

“What are you doing here?” She pulled back and knelt down in front of him.

“I wanted you to see my dog? I saw yours. Come here Bixby,” he called. Bixby ran over to him. Jo petted him and looked over to Vincent’s mother, who was also beaming, just as Ali had been doing moments ago.

“He’s so cute,” Jo said, leaning in and brushing her lips against the dog’s fur. I can see why you love this dog so much.”

He laughed and then wanted to show her tricks, from the way that he chased after the toys, to the way he would respond to various commands that Vincent made to him. He got lost in the moment, playing with him, giving Jo a chance to talk to his mom.

“How’s he been feeling?”

She grinned. “Never better. But I know it was the healthcare of you and all your team that helped him out. But Jo, it was mostly you. You treated him like more than a patient. He will never forget that care and attention. I will never forget that care and attention. She pulled Jo into a hug. “Thank you!”

“It was my pleasure.” Jo felt tears stinging the backs of her eyes.

“Excuse me, I have to get back to work.” She heard Ali’s words and before Jo could turn and thank her, she was rushing off to the hospital doors. She stared after her, then turned to Flora.

Flora smiled. “I always thought you two were cute together.” Jo’s jaw dropped. Flora laughed and shrugged. “Call it intuition, but you two seemed to have a certain vibe.”

“It’s against hospital regulation,” Jo dropped her gaze. Flora reached out and touched her arm.

“What’s meant to be will be. Just believe that.” Jo forced through a smile and stayed outside with them for another ten minutes before she had to leave.

“I have to get back to work, but it was great seeing you both and great meeting you Bixby.” Vincent gave her another hug before she waved and went back into the hospital. The ride up in the elevator, she rocked back on her heels, anxious to get up there and thank Ali for grabbing her from the cafeteria. When she reached their floor, it was Miles at the nurses’ station. “Have you seen Ali?” she asked.

“Just prepping her patient for surgery.” He looked back at his computer.

She was disappointed and anxious to get a few moments with her, so she could tell her how much she appreciated that moment with Vincent. However, it didn’t look promising that she would get the opportunity to speak with her, as the clock ticked on and neared when she was off the clock.

There was always the next day, but this was the first time in the past couple weeks that Jo felt like everything would be okay. For that, she was even more appreciative. She heaved a sigh and got on the elevator to go to the breakroom to get her purse. She moved slow, still hoping that maybe she would have just a few minutes with Ali. That’s all she really needed.

As she stepped outside of the hospital, though, that hope dwindled. She reached in her pocket and pulled up Ali’s name. Instead of typing her a message, she slipped her phone back in her pocket and headed towards the station.

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