Page 36 of Forbidden Desire

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“Thank you, Julia.” She hurried out of the room before anything else could be said. She couldn’t wait to tell Jo the news. May stood at the desk and looked up when Ali rounded the corner. Ali put up a thumbs up, and May clapped.

“There’s a catch, though.” May sighed. “Not a huge one, but you have to go to HR and sign a paper stating that Maverick is coming here.”

“Consider it done.” She looked to the side and grinned. “And now we tell Jo the wonderful news.”

Ali turned as Jo approached them. “Why are you both grinning?” she asked.

“Well, we just cleared it with Julia so that Maverick could come to the hospital and visit Vincent.”

“What?” Jo asked, her mouth drawn into an O.

Ali nodded. “Just a few things we have to note, and then it’s a done deal. It will be this Friday over lunch. It will be in the courtyard and May will sign some paperwork, so it is all authorized.”

Jo frowned. “What? Why? Shouldn’t I be the one to sign the paperwork since it’s my dog?” She laughed. “Seems a bit strange.”

“Well, we’re getting to that point,” Ali continued. “You see, they think it’s May’s dog that’s coming to visit.” Jo furrowed her brows. “I can explain it all later, but we really need to keep the story straight. Do you have a problem with that?”

Jo slowly shook her head. “I guess not. I mean, I’m just ecstatic that he’ll be able to come. Maybe slightly disappointed, but it’s all good.”

Ali gave a weak smile. In due time, she would explain everything. What was important now was that they were going to help Vincent feel more at home, and, in the process, she’d see a smile on Jo’s face.

Friday at lunch, May and Jo went to pick up Maverick from Jo’s place. Ali stayed back, securing the surprise went off without a hitch.


We’re here!

It was then that Ali knew her next steps. She went to Julia’s office and peeked her head inside. “The dog has arrived. I’m getting Vincent, and we’re heading outside for lunch.”

“I’ll be down in a bit,” she said. “Just have to finish up some things here.

Ali left and went to Vincent’s room. His mom was at his side. She was let in on the surprise, but Vincent didn’t have any idea what was to come.

“Hi, Vincent.” He looked up and gave a smile and a slight wave. “It’s a beautiful day outside, and I thought the fresh air would do you some good. Wanna go outside?”

“Yeah!” Ali was relieved by that. If he would have said no, that would have caused another battle. She got him unhooked from the machines and put him in a waiting wheelchair. “Are you coming, Mom?” he asked.

“Of course. I could use the fresh air, too.”

The three of them left the room and went to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby felt like a long one but the doors opened, and they went down a long hallway and to another set of doors that led out to the courtyard. Ali saw Jo, May, and Maverick first.

“Who’s that?” Ali whispered into his ear. He turned and his eyes widened when they came into view.

“What? How? Am I dreaming?”

The group of them laughed as Maverick was released to walk up to him. He reached out and patted his head, then rubbed behind his ears. “You’re so fluffy. Hello, boy! How are you?”

He then looked up at Jo. Ali swore she saw tears in his eyes. “You did this for me?” he asked.

“Well, I just knew that Maverick would want to meet you in person and look how excited he is.”

“It’s a beautiful dog, Johanna.” Ali turned and gawked at Julia. She stared straight at her.

“Thank you,” Jo muttered.

Julia turned her gaze to Flora and Vincent. They were both smiling so wide, and Maverick was wagging his tail with glee. “How are you doing?” Julia asked Flora.

She nodded, and tears were in her eyes. “Vincent needed this. I thank you and CAPMed.”

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