Page 35 of Forbidden Desire

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Jo reached out and grabbed Ali’s hands, pulling her towards the bed, then sat down and grabbed onto Ali’s pants and slid them down. All while Ali kicked out of her shoes. She moved in and latched her teeth onto Ali’s panties, slowly sliding them down Ali’s legs until Ali just had to step out of them. She stood up and grabbed hold of Ali’s shirt, drawing it up and over her breasts and then tossing it to the side.

She brought Ali back into a kiss, and they hungrily kissed one another while, with one hand, she flicked the clasp of Ali’s bra until it was removed.

“Allow me,” Ali breathlessly replied, pulling back from the kiss. Jo watched as Ali undressed her. Their eyes were connected in this deep and unwavering stare. Jo only had to shift a few times before her clothes were lying in a heap, and they were both naked.

Jo moved in and pressed Ali against the wall, snaking her hand around Ali’s neck and pulling her into a heated embrace. As they kissed, she felt Ali pressing her hand between her legs and slipping her fingers one by one into her opening. Damn. She felt like it had been an eternity since they’d been connected, but her body was aching for Ali’s every touch.

Jo spread her legs to her, and Ali went in deeper, pumping in and out with expert attention. Jo reached out and groped both of Ali’s breasts in her palms, squeezing them, and hearing Ali’s groans excitedly coursing through the on-call room.

They broke from the kiss, and Jo pulled her back to the bed and laid down, with Ali tenderly joining her, straddling her as she moved her fingers back into Jo’s opening. Jo arched her back and closed her eyes, bracing herself, her abdomen tightening with every time that Ali slid in deeper.

“Oh God, I can’t help myself,” she cried. She held onto the bed, her body wanting desperately to wiggle beneath Ali but wishing it was Ali’s tongue that made her ready to orgasm. As if on cue, Ali removed her fingers and situated her body until she had her face right up against her opening. Jo released a pent-up sigh and bore down, and Ali continued the pumping with her tongue. Jo thrashed wildly against Ali’s face, the orgasm not far off.

“You always taste so good,” Ali moaned against her clit, before dipping in again. This time, the orgasm washed in waves over Jo, and she was bouncing hard against Ali. She let out several cries, hoping the room was soundproof. At that point, she didn’t even care. Ali eagerly licked up her juices, then shimmied up Jo’s body, kissing her stomach and moving up to her chest.

Jo pushed herself up when their lips connected, and they rested in a seated position, with Ali sitting on her lap, her legs hanging over both her sides. They kissed, Jo taking her own juices from Ali’s lips. Their tongues collided as one. Jo held onto Ali’s waist as they rekindled their intimacy. She felt how wet Ali was and needed desperately to relieve her of that, but for the moment she just needed this. Who cared what had kept them from one another before. They hadn’t missed a beat, and Jo couldn’t wait for them to ignite once more.


Ali paced outside Julia’s office. She didn’t know why she was so nervous. If she said no, then it was no big deal. She didn’t tell Jo she was inquiring, and no one would have to know the lengths she went to make it work.

She knocked on the door and waited for Julia’s voice. “You may enter,” she called. Ali peeked her head in, and Julia looked up, “Hey, Ali.”

“Is it a bad time? I can come back later.”

She waved off Ali’s concern. “I have a meeting in an hour, but besides that, I’m yours. What’s up?”

“Well, you know, Vincent Alvarez, right?”

Julia nodded. “I know him well. Sweet kid. Been keeping up on his chart. How’s he doing?”

“Overall, he’s doing well. He’s a little depressed, though. He’s missing his friends. His family works and tries to be here as often as possible, but I was thinking that it’d be nice for him to go out and get some fresh air, maybe go to the courtyard. I think he would find it relaxing and could aid in his recovery.”

She shrugged. “I don’t see any problem with that, as long as you’re out there to monitor him. You’ll have to get it signed off by HR, but I’ll approve it with them. Sounds like a good idea.”

She leaned in to grab her phone, probably to call HR, but Ali reached out and touched the phone, halting her. “There’s more. He has a dog, and his family lives about an hour from here, so it wouldn’t be really appropriate for them to bring the dog here, but I was thinking that maybe one of our nurses could bring their dog here. I think he needs to just see a little touch of what he’s missing from home. Would that be an issue?”

Julia arched an eyebrow. “I don’t know. Do you have a dog in mind?” She tilted her head. “I would assume it’s not associated with Johanna, right?” She crossed her arms, and Ali opened her mouth. “That might be misconstrued as favoritism again, and with us inching closer to you getting this job, I would hate for anything to jeopardize that.”

“It’s not Johanna,” Ali quickly replied. “The truth is this is why I thought it would be a good idea. It’s May’s dog. And I feel that it might wipe the slate clean of that ridiculous notion that I’m showing favoritism.”

Julia rocked back and forth her desk chair, pondering over it. “You really think this will be beneficial for Vincent’s recovery.”

Ali nodded. “I really think it would be. I’m not asking for it to be all day, just thirty minutes or an hour. It could be over my lunchtime. I just want to see a smile on his face. Besides, I think it would bring the nursing staff together. And it could boost morale.”


Ali knew that would ignite something in her, as Julia liked to look at the bigger picture and bring staff together. “What do you say, Julia?”

“Alright. If HR approves it, then I won’t stand in your way. But let’s see what they have to say.” She reached out for the phone, and Ali crossed her fingers, nearly holding her breath. “Hey, it’s Julia. So, my staff would like to get approval on bringing a dog to the hospital for emotional support for a patient. He’s missing home and they think that it could bring some benefits to him. It will just be over a lunch hour, and they’ll bring the dog out to the courtyard.”

Ali waited, hearing only one side of the conversation but hoping that they wouldn’t stand in their way. Julia made a few one-word responses, then finally thanked whoever was on the phone and hung up.

“There’s some stipulations,” she started. Ali felt the weight drop to her stomach. “The owner of the dog has to sign a form at HR stating the approval of allowing their pet to be involved.” Ali nodded, even though she knew it would be a lie when May signed the form, but if that was necessary, then so be it. “And I want to be there witnessing things, as well.” That was a little more than Ali wanted to agree to. They would have to be extra careful so Julia didn’t learn the truth of the real owner, but she would make it work.

“Not a problem,” she said.

“Okay, then you can do it Friday. Get that paperwork signed and let me know the plans on time.”

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