Page 33 of Forbidden Desire

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“Was that an exasperating sigh?” May asked before laughing.

“Nah, just got done doing the elliptical.” A lie would be a better solution. “What’s up?”

“Well, Iggy and I are bored and thought we would come on over, and then we can go to the dog park or something. What do you say?”

It wasn’t the person she anticipated spending the day with, but if Ali wouldn’t call her back, then she would gladly accept an invitation from May, anything to get out of the apartment and away from the pile of bills staring her in the face.

“Sounds good. See you in thirty?”

They disconnected the call, and Jo scooped up the bills and tossed them into the nearby drawer. Out of sight, out of mind, at least for a few minutes. She hurried to her room and changed into something loose-fitting and comfortable, then went back to where Maverick was in the living room.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” she asked. Immediately, he jumped up and started frantically wagging his tail. She laughed and crouched down next to him, petting behind his ear. She didn’t know what her life would be like without him coming into it. “She’ll be here with Iggy any minute, boy, and we’ll all go out to the park.”

May got there a few minutes later, and they left her apartment to go to the park. May drove them to the park, and when they got out and started the trail, they spotted a coffee cart.

“I could use that,” Jo quietly admitted. May was agreeable to that. The park wasn’t too busy, so they grabbed their coffee and took a seat on the nearest bench. They unleashed their dogs into the big area where they could run and not have to be held back from doing what dogs do.

Jo heaved a sigh as she sipped on that coffee. “That sounds like you have the world on your shoulders.”

Jo laughed. “You got all that from one sigh.”

May shrugged. “It was a big sigh.”

Jo turned and just watched the dogs playing. “I don’t know, I guess I’m letting my thoughts get too loud in my head.” May arched an eyebrow. “Ali,” Jo continued.

“You guys seem to be pretty hot and heavy,” May offered. Jo opened her mouth. “Just from what you’ve told me.” She then smiled. “Well, she does seem to give you this look every time she sees you across the room. Really hard not to notice.”

Jo blushed and looked down at her cup. If May noticed that, then maybe others had as well. “She seems to be ignoring me. I haven’t seen her at the hospital, and when I call her, she doesn’t pick up. She doesn’t return my texts.” Jo looked up, feeling a tad panicked as the words came rolling out. “What if she decided that I’m not worth it.”

May snickered. “Not possible. But how long has this been going on for? A week? Two?”

“A few days, maybe four,” Jo mumbled.

May laughed. “So, I think you’re being a bit paranoid. It’s clear to me how much she really likes you. She could be busy. I mean, that’s a distinct possibility, right?”

“Well, yeah, but why not just a simple message to say, hey, can’t talk now, but I’ll see you later?”

May shrugged. “Not everyone thinks that way. That doesn’t mean she’s not anxious to see you again.”

Jo wasn’t convinced. She shrugged and took another sip from her cup. “How has work been going for you?” she asked. “We rarely get a chance to discuss the program. Feeling good about your position there?”

“Yeah, really good. I feel like the hospital cares about us. And I am enjoying what we’re doing.” Jo agreed on those counts. “How’s Vincent been doing? Glad to have him back on our floor, I’m sure.”

“Absolutely. It was rough sneaking away to check in on him in the ICU. He’s getting stronger every day. I’m just thankful the surgery went well. I worry that maybe he’s a little depressed, though, being away from his home and friends. It would be difficult for a kid. I wish I could help him more in that aspect.”

“Well, maybe find out what he’s missing back home and see if there’s anything you can do to change that. You just never know what smile you could put on a child’s face.”

Jo pondered that and nodded. It was a nice thought. She finished off her coffee and stood up from the bench, tossing her empty cup into the trash can. “Let’s do some walking.” They called for the dogs, who immediately ran over to them. Then, they led the way around the track.

May had a valid point about Ali. She could just be busy. She didn’t want to push, but really wanted to hear from her so she could rest her wary heart. She was determined that she would go to her when given the opportunity, and they were on the same schedule. What would it hurt to just talk?

The next day, Jo entered Vincent’s room. He was staring out the window. The room was so still and quiet that if you held your breath, you would have been able to hear the soft hum of his machine. Jo cleared her throat, not to jar him from his solitude. He looked over to her and gave her a smile.

“Hi, Jo,” he replied. His voice was so soft, nearly unheard.

“Why do you look so sad?” she asked. “Are you in pain?” She sat down on his bed as he slowly shook his head.

“Just thinking,” he replied. He turned and once again looked over to the window. “Missing home,” he quietly replied.

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